the one with the decision

Start from the beginning

"Hey." Jongin called as soon as he shut the door behind himself.

"Hey." Taemin said, walking out of the bedroom and shooting Jongin a smile. "How was Jongdae?"

"He's doing good, his daughter's great. He seems to really be enjoying parenthood. Said it was a whole different thing now that she's a year old."

"Did you talk to him about... you know?"

Jongin nodded, "Yeah I did." He said, walking over toward Taemin. "He thinks we should go for it."


"Yeah said that he thought we'd be great parents - also apparently already wants to schedule playdates. Said he couldn't wait until one of the rest of us had kids just for the playdates."

Taemin laughed, "Jongdae's great."

Jongin nodded, "Yeah he is." He said, smile on his face. "So are we really going to go forward with doing this?"

"If you're up for starting a family with me, and of course if Jung Ah hasn't changed her mind, then yes. A hundred percent, yes."

"I love you and I'm going to love having a family with you."

"So are you sure you're willing to be our surrogate?"

Jung Ah nodded, "Of course I am, Nini. You two deserve to be able to have a family and if I can help in that then I'm happy to do so."

"You're the best sister anyone could ever ask for. You know that right?" Jongin said, shaking his head slightly.

"I'm offering to do what anyone would for their little brother and his boyfriend in these circumstances."

"I still say you're the best, no matter what you try to say to the contrary. Either way whether you look at it with your view or my view - I love you so much and can't even begin to think of ways to make it up to you."

"You don't have to make it up to me." Jung Ah said, shaking her head. "I think me, you, Taemin, and Sehun need to sit down together and talk about all of this before we move on further with things."

"I agree. Want to make sure Sehun is okay with this all myself."

"I've already told him about plans and he's fine, but I do think it'll be helpful for him to be involved in the planning of things - if that's okay with you."

"Of course. Plus with Sehun around, maybe I won't feel as much of a third wheel as I would if he didn't go with us."

Jung Ah let out a laugh, "You really think you're going to be a third wheel in everything? If anyone's the third wheel, it'll be me. You two will be all lovey dovey in America while I'm there for business only."

Jongin joined in the laughter, shaking his head. "Okay... well either way... if Sehun joins us, there'll be no third wheels."

Jongin walked back to the small table that Taemin, Jung Ah, and Sehun were sitting at - with his coffee in hand.

"So how exactly is this going to work out for everyone?" Sehun asked, speaking up and breaking the silence that was between them all as Jongin sat down beside Taemin. "I’m just trying to get a grasp on all that’s going to be going on."

Jung Ah had decided that they all needed to sit down together and discuss the upcoming actions that were going to be happening.

"Short version or long version?" Jongin asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Short." Sehun replied, taking a drink from his cup of coffee.

"Short version is we’ll be going to America, staying there for a few weeks. Taemin will jerk off into a cup and that’ll be inserted into Jung Ah. And there on and there forth hopefully nature will take the correct course of action at that point."

"And then what happens?"

"We’ll be staying in America for a few weeks until they can do a pregnancy test and confirm if the procedure worked. Then we’ll hopefully head back here with me pregnant." Jung Ah answered, smiling over at Sehun.

"How soon are you going to be able to fly back?"

"As far as I’m aware, I can fly back relatively soon. But obviously that’s something I’m going to check with the doctor about when we get there."

"We’re going to try and make it as much like a vacation as we can instead of a work trip." Taemin added on, reaching over and squeezing Jongin’s hand.

Sehun nodded, smiling slightly. "Well obviously at the end of things my opinion of the situation doesn’t matter that much, but I want you guys to know that I’m completely on board with this. I mean the family tree will be really damn confusing, but why not?"

"Of course your opinion matters as well, Sehun." Jongin said, smiling. "You're Jung Ah's boyfriend and would be the uncle of our potential future child."

"I'll do my best to provide a levelheaded example for your child. Cause with you two as parents, they'll need someone who's levelheaded around here."

Taemin and Jongin both laughed, Taemin squeezing Jongin's hand again. "Can't wait to see that." Taemin answered, wide smile on his face.

"Yeah." Jongin agreed, shaking his head. "I'm just glad we have you two in our life."

"So now that we know Jung Ah is still up for being our surrogate... when do we want to see about doing this? Like is this something you're up for doing sometime soon?"

Jongin looked over at Taemin, nodding slightly. "Yeah I think I'm up for doing this soon. I don't really want to waste that much time, plus our schedules are pretty clear for the next few months - so it kind of feels like perfect timing."

"I agree." Taemin said, "It does feel pretty perfect right now. We went from not really having any options to having an option and having the time cleared to do that option. So yeah I'm also on board with seeing how quickly we can start a family."

Jongin nodded, smile on his face. "I'll talk to Jung Ah some more and also talk to my manager and see how fast we can set up an appointment in America and see what the options are."

Taemin smiled widely, wrapping his arms around Jongin and kissing him. "I love you and I'm so glad that you're willing to do this with me and raise a child with me. And I really keep thinking that I cannot love you anymore and then I do somehow."

"I love you too, but you already know that or at least I hope you do - if you don't know that then I haven't been doing my job as your boyfriend right."

"I know you love me - but I still really enjoy hearing it." Taemin said, pressing his lips to Jongin's for a second before resting their foreheads together.

"I'll tell you it until you're tired of hearing me say it then - I love you."

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