Should i tell him?

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The sound of a cloth hastily being thrown hit Willows sensitive ears, the smell of sweat, anticipation, and human breath filled the room. Considering the large amounts of soft chatter, the room couldn't be small. A few steps sounded rather close to the girl, her ear twitched as she lifted her arms to try and feel any surroundings. since her vision was cut off by an expensive feeling cloth. Her hand was met with a cool metal bar.

As she dragged her hand across it she found more like it, concluding she was indeed in a cage. A man started to speak. No, to be more specific, the Viscount began to speak to his guests. The man walked across the what Willow thought to be, a stage exlaming things and telling everyone about Willows appearance. Much to her dislike.

The blindfold was removed, the room was darker than the girl imagined, but nothing unexpected. 'A black market auction... Is this how the murderer got rid of the victims organs? He couldn't have sold her whole considering all the body's where mangled the same way, unless there is one specific high bidder everytime? It's unlikely but possible, and our only clue.'

' of course, that would have to mean the Viscount Is not the murderer. Maybe I should let myself be sold to see who I go to. After I get what I need I can break free or call for Sebastian.' Willow thought to herself calmly as the bidding began. It went higher than expected.

Willow felt something move on her head as the Visount shouted. She felt a soft, furry cat ear. She sighed to herself. "And I've been trying so hard to keep my human ears too." She said just loud enough for only herself to hear.

'This must be why people are betting so much money.. Wait, does this mean I have my tail too?' Sure enough a fuzzy black tail swayed behind her in frustration.

The room went dark, although Willow could still see what was going on well enough. However, Sebastian was to hard to follow. The girl knew it was him from the sent that was lingering around. screams and people scrambling to escape his wrath filled the room. Few if any people made it out.

In a flash, the candles where relit. Loathing that he thought she needed his help (and that he thought she couldn't see in the dark), Willow quickly slipped out of the cage with ease. The bars where too far apart to keep her in, it was quite a pathetic attempt on their part. "Are you alright miss?" He asked offering his hand to help the girl off the stage. She accepted with a flick of her tail and jumped down

"Yes, I am fine, thank you." She smiled. Sebastian nodded. "If you could have slipped out why hadn't you sooner? He asked her. Willow pondered on wether or not she should tell him. Quickly she decided against it. "I was knocked out. When I awoke, I was surrounded by people, stepping out of the cage at that moment would have more than likley ended badly." "I see." He replied, no hint of emotion, Willows eat twitched. Just then Sebastian notticed the difference.

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