The chairs are not perfect.

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"What are you doing?" Willow asked desperate for something to do. "I am about to straighten up the drawing room, why do you ask?" Sebastian replied to Willows obvious boredom. "May I help?" She asked sweetly. "I suppose if you want to." Sebastian said to busy gathering things like dusters and brooms to really pay much attention to Willows question. "Great! Thanks!" She smiled. With her sudden raise in voice Sebastian finally looked her way, and smiled back. It was hard not to, she found joy in the simplest of things, plus it would be rude not to.

Willow grabbed her own duster since Sebastian had everything else. One they entered the drawing room, she found it was still pretty clean. But nothing was too clean for Sebastian, she figured that out the many times she'd watched him clean things over and over making sure there where absolutely no imperfections. There was a book on a table, some dust on shelves, and a few disarranged chairs messing up the cleanliness if the room, no doubt there was more only Sebastian would notice.

"Alright." Sebastian started. "Let's get to work. Willow, would you mind dusting the shelves?" Sebastian turned to her to ask. He got a small smile in reply. "Of course." And she walked off to the first shelf beginning to dust. The shelf was a little high for her reach, and Willow wasn't considered short. She sighed quietly.

On the other side of the room Sebastian had taken care of that book and was finishing with the chairs. Once he was content that the chairs placement was perfect, he looked over at Willow to see how she was doing. To his surprise instead of Willow trying to reach the shelves like he thought she was doing, he saw a small black cat walking around the top of the second shelf with a duster in it's mouth easily getting rid of the dust. He chuckled softly finding the sight amusing, then continued his work with a slight smile on his face.

Once they where done the room and everything in it was perfect. Happy with they're work both Sebastian and Willow stood back to admire the impeccably clean room.


So this is Sebastian and Willows story ^ _ ^ I think it's cute. Anyway thanks for reading, voting, and commenting! You're all awesome!

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