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Hello! Third chapter today if I end up posting it right away! Hope your enjoying it ;) thanks for reading! Bye!!!


" I can't seem to get the hang of these halls! There are too many." Willow pouts frustrated. She manages to find her way to Ciel's study. The door for some reason gives a sense of intimidation. Just like Ciel. But the door was shut. Damn, willow transforms into her human form. 'Wait! What am I thinking! If Ciel sees me like this...actually. I don't know what he'd do, can't be good though.'

She transforms back and jumps to reach the door knob. On her fourth try she manages to open it. The door glides open revealing the mess of a room. She's never been in the room before but she guesses it not supposed to be like this. Willow takes a step in and immediately is hit by the scent of three people. "Ciel, Sebastian, and... Odd. That man... From Ciel's pool game earlier today. Willow invites her self in to get a better look around. Other then the open window there is no other way he could escape without being caught. Realizing this she jumps out of the window to follow the sent trail. ( I know she sounds like a dog, but cats have a good sense of smell too.)

|switching scenes|

"We just work for him!"

"I understand, I am very sorry to have interrupted your work gentlemen. I'll let you go now, have a safe trip."
Sebastian leaps off the car and back into the ground, landing with perfect balance.
as the car tips backwards from the sudden lightened weight on the hood, he smiles. Once the car falls out of sight he turns around and opens his watch just as an explosion happens behind him. "Oh dear, look at how late it's gotten. If I don't move quickly we will never have dinner ready in time.

|switching scenes|

Willow stops sprinting as she reaches a large manor with many, many guards surrounding it. Shocked at the security willow scraps her idea of just wondering in. She would be dead in an instant. "Maybe I should sneak in, I'm a cat after all, small, flexible, quiet. Hopefully I'm not noticed.

Taking her plan into action willow swiftly runs up to the side of the gate so no one can see her. Walking around she finally finds a spot with a manageable amount of guards. She jumps up onto the top of the gate wall and walks around trying to stay out if sight. She jumps down slipping past them and going into a window that has some stairs...


Meh, so that's today's part. I did not end up posting it yesterday so sorry :p will start another after posting bye! Thx for reading!!

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