I wonder what this is?

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Hey guys, I would love to get to 100 votes if possible. :) thanks a lot!! :D


Ciel was blankly staring out the window of the carriage, as he so often did. Sebastian sat in between Ciel and Willow. No doubt from their lack of trust towards her. Willow felt like this should bother her, but I didn't. It was expected after all. Who would trust a cat-girl who came from the streets? Across from them Madam Red and Lau sat quietly. No one spoke, until the carriage came to a stop with a small bump, nudging Willow forward. Of course Sebastian didn't budge. As expected of him.

The door swung open, revealing Grell with a slight smile. She was sure it was because Sebastian was in his line of sight. Grell helped everyone out of the carriage, he even tried to help Sebastian but was left with a rejection. Ciel took a second to look around, a large crowd was gathered across the street, spotting it, that became their destination. As they drew closer, more of the scene became visible. A man in a trench coat looking over some papers stood closest to the crowd. Other men ran in and out of the area. Willow took her time too look around curiously while Ciel talked to the man. Nothing interesting was there, the men seemed to have cleaned almost everything up. However, Willow could still pick up a faint smell of blood, without the wind, it would most likely be stronger Willow thought.

She noticed a small smudge or red on a wall not far from her, she glanced over at Ciel as another man walked towards them. Quickly she turned around and walked towards to smudge. She knelt down beside it. "Funny.." Willow said to herself. "It doesn't smell like blood. I wonder what it is." Hesitantly she swiped her finger over the unknown substance. It was a little tacky, she tried to wipe it off, but it left a stain. "Lipstick..." She mummered. "How strange." Once again she looked over in Ciel's direction, he along with the others where just turning to leave. She got up and jogged to the back of their small group.

"Yes, indeed." Is all Willow heard of their conversation. After a short walk They ended up at a funeral parlour. It gave Willow a questionably longing feeling. "So, what is this place anyway?" Lau randomly blurts out, letting everyone know he has no clue what's going on. "If you don't know then what was all that about?!" Madam Red shouts at clueless man. He just shrugs while Sebastian explains where they are. Ciel reluctantly opens the door, He walks in with everyone else tagging behind. Willow took a moment to just stare at the building. Once the last person disappeared into the shop, Willow tried to shake off the feeling and follow the group inside.




I love this line. :) um, well altered my original plot, luckily I didn't get to far, it wouldn't have mattered to much but this way it'll make more sense. I do hope you will like it though. Thanks for reading/voting/commenting. It means a lot! Bye!

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