Concealing and evading

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"Ciel, Why did we come to London?" Willow asked as she poked at her food. Ciel, Who was eating soundlessly not far from her seat, took a moment to ponder on her question, wondering what parts to revival to her. The girl sat, continuing to poke her food, not fully expecting an answer, especially a full truth, she knew Ciel to well for that, regardless of the lack of knowledge he possessed of her. He remained easy for Willow to read. Concealing and evading seemed to be a few of many things he excelled in, however he wasn't fooling her.

"We're here on business." He said simply, no detail, just directly what she asked for. "I figured." Willow replied finally taking a bite of her plates contents. "May I ask, why you wanted me to come?" Willow asked, any trace of shyness in her voice disappearing. That seemed to surprise Ciel a bit, she had been nothing but quiet since he was made aware of her existence. But, that's what Willow was counting on, the only way to beat him at his own game was to keep Ciel in the dark about her, let him think he's getting to know her. "There's no specific reason. Leaving you in the servants care would be idiotic. Something would be bound to happen." Ciel bluntly admitted, but there had to be something more behind it, Willow thought to herself. Sure it would be irresponsible, but he must have some use for her, otherwise it's doubtful he would have let Willow stay at his manor, or ask her to go to London with him. Now, she just has to find out what. They both finish their food in silence deep thought preoccupying their minds.


Madam red had come over again, along with her she , of course, brought Grell. But this time another man followed her in, she was told the mans name was Lau, and that he was somewhat of a business partner, or rather, a friend of some sorts to Ciel. Everyone was seated to discus something important Willow was not aware of. Willow quickly became a cat, curious of why Ciel had... Guests. She innocently strolled into the room, looking around. Sebastian poured tea for everyone, setting each tea cup in front of them, along with a little plate with a slice of cake and a fork resting on the edge of it. They began to talk, something about murders and Jack the Ripper. That's all Willow really needed to know. Quickly she turned around to walk out, but the cat felt a heavy glare pointed at her, she turned her small, furry head, and sure enough Ciel was the cause of the feeling. Before Sebastian followed his gaze, she tumbled out, not set on getting in trouble with either of them.

Once out of the room, she decided to look around the town house some more, it was significantly smaller than the manor, but still nothing to scoff at. Noting too interesting laid in the rooms so, Willow made her way back to see if they where done talking yet, sure enough, they where just leaving. Willow a little frustrated that Ciel doesn't want her to know what he's up to, ducked into a room to become human. She wanted to go along with them, regardless of Ciel's judgement.

It occurred to her just as she stepped out of the room, that they where unaware of who she was. Madam Red glanced her way. "Oh, who's that dear?" She asked, her question obviously directed at Ciel. "Hm?" He also turns to Willows direction. "Oh, her? That's Willow, she's a new maid, we needed a new one taking into account Mey-Rin's incompetence." He states plainly, he figured someone would question the girls presence. "Will she be coming?" Madam Red added. Ciel just looked at Willow, wanting an answer from her. "Ah, y-yes." Willow said picking up on Ciels expectant gaze. He just nodded at her. Not seeming upset with her, of course for Willow it was unexpected.


Bonjour.... Ca va?

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