What a strange kitty

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Hi! New chapter! I really have nothing to say right now. K bye, enjoy!


Sebastian looked to his left to see willow curled up on his bed sleeping like always. Hm, he thought she has quite the peculiar sense of routine for a cat. Odd. Looking back once more he set out to start preparing breakfast for his master. Trough the maze-like hallways and into a door on the right of the hallway. Some voices where coming from the kitchen "huh. The staff must be up. Quite early for them." He slowly opened the door and the smell of smoke and burning food hit his nose. Once he opened it enough to see what was going on his immediate reaction was a face-palm.

It seems that the staff still had not noticed him so he stood at the door a moment longer to hear what they where talking about.

"Oh man! Sebastian is NOT gonna like this!"

"We should clean this up yes we should!"

"What am I not going to like?"
Sebastian said making there necks snap towards him then scream in shock and start rambling over each other trying to explain and beg for his forgiveness.
Sebastian sighed and dismissed them. Each one leavening with hanging heads. Once they where out of the way he saw the real destruction.

Sloppily chopped fruits and vegetables where everywhere, eggs where dripping down the counter, they managed to burn everything else beyond recognition and the rest of the eggs where on fire. Sebastian's shocked expression didn't last long since it was expected of them. "Why did I ever hire them?" After cleaning up and re-preparing breakfast he makes some tea and sets them all on a tray. Taking the tea Sebastian leaves the room to walk through the winding halls.

Willow spots him and trots behind Sebastian trying to stay unnoticed. He comes to a stop at a certain door. Softly he knocks. "Pardon the interruption young master." He says walking in the door. "It's time to wake up." He opens the curtains and light pours into the room, the door starts to shut so willow quickly slips in. Willow takes a second to look around then dashes under the bed as Sebastian suspiciously looks her way. He says some things regarding food and plans of some sort. But willow couldn't care less to listen to them. She's interested in the strange unknown smells of the room she looks at his feet walking to the other side of the bed and resists the urge to swat at him. Soon he leaves her with whoever is on the bed. Willow sees two feet dangling from the bed and this time freely paws at them. "H-hey! What was that?" The voice says getting down to peek under the bed. He peers closely at little willow and an unexpected soft smile tugs at the corner of his lips. He holds out his had to her and let's he paw and swat at it. Willow get board and comes out and jumps with difficulty seeing as she's still young, up onto the bed and starts purring waiting to be pet. He refrains after hesitating and walks up to his mirror. Willow stops purring, jumps down and rubs on his leg. He leans down to pat her briefly then leads her out of the room witch is where they part ways. The boy goes into the direction of the dinning hall and willow goes the the kitchen. Once there, she meets Sebastian who has a bowl in his hands. "Here willow, I cut up some fish for you. I'm sure your hungry." He gently places the bowl on the floor and as promised it's filled with freshly cut fish.


Yeah, nothing drama wise yet. But I need willow to get to know ceil.
Umm anyway.... I changed the cover photo. Hope you like it better. Ugh! I'm too lazy to prof-read! Sorry for mistakes then. It's most likely filled with them.

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