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I was currently headed to the hospital to meet my Unc about some shit with May. We wasn't married so I didn't have any say so about shit that's going on which pissed me off. She is carrying my baby so that plays a major part in all of this shit that's going on.

Pulling up to a red light I got a call from my assistant and answered the phone.

"Wassup," I said into the phone.

"Hey, I'm downtown at the record label and they won't let me pick up your paper work because my name not on the documents."

"Shit I forgot all about that. I'll call them once we get off the phone and tell them and make sure you stop by the stores and get my sis some clothes and bring them to the hospital."

"Okay I got you,"she said.

"Bet I'm about to call them up now,"I said as I hung up the phone.

Calling the record label to let them know about yoyo I got off the phone and focused on the ride. A nigga had a lot of shit on his mind. Turning into the hospital parking lot I got a phone call from Aj.

"Wassup nigga I'm at the hospital with my girl."

"Man this bitch ass nigga Toosii just came up here wildin bro. Nigga came up here looking for you with his gun drawn like that shit was gone scare a nigga," he said into the phone.

"Man what the fuck this nigga trippen. Bringing this shit to my place of business is a no go. Bitch ass nigga must wanna die or some," I said getting angry.

"Man fuck that nigga meet me tonight. We can gone see wassup with that," Aj said.

"Bet say nomo," I said hanging up the phone.

Walking into the hospital I went into May's room to see Unc and Jas already there. The look on their face seemed strange and I just wanted to know what was going on.

"Wassup what happened?" I asked as I sat down beside May.

"Man they want to do an emergency c-section on her. They say it's best if they do it now so problems won't start to happen in the long run."

"Hell naw she only 7 months now it ain't time for the baby to come," I said getting paranoid.

"It's the best I think and imma go through with it," he said.

"Man fuck that it ain't happening."

"Man fuck what you talking about I'm her father at the end of the day. I have the say. I want my daughter and grandchild to make it if the doctors say it's what best then that's what we gone do. Either you be here at 10 tomorrow or it will happen without you."

"Man whatever I'll be here," I said as I kissed May in her forehead and walked out.

I really needed some time to think about this shit. This shit fucked up I can't be there for here how I wanna because we ain't married and I ain't got say so over shit that's going on. This shit crazy I thought to myself as walked out the hospital.

Right now all I wanted to do was be by her side but shit was looking real bad right now. I needed to go sleep this off until I got to the studio later.

Next Day

Waking up with Ky on the side of me I called up her babysitter to see if she could swing by a little early. They released Hannah out the hospital so she is on her way to help me pack the baby bag along with other shit.

Walking downstairs to see who was at the door it was Hannah coming excited about today.

"Hey bro," she said as she hugged me.

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