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"Maylin get your ass up and come get this baby I got stuff to do today," Jackie yelled. This is my life on a weekend I could've even sleep in without having to take care of a baby that's not mine just my sibling. I raised of from bed shaking on the bed you know the little thing you do when your mom calls your name and you answer and they don't say anything else yeah that. I slipped on my house shoes and made sure to tie up my robe before heading down stairs.

Soon as I opened my door I could see Jackie's suppose to be boyfriend Fred in the bathroom smoking a cigarette while on the toilet. "Next time could you close the door I mean I do stay here to," I told him while walking down the raggedy stair that could cave in at any given moment. As I approached the living room I spotted Andre laying on the couch crying his eyes out with a snotty nose that's probably been dried up since yesterday. "Okay Maylin I'm heading out clean up this damn house or something make yourself productive around here you don't pay any bills."

"Last time I checked neither do you," I mumbled hoping she didn't hear me. No matter how bad I get treated around here I never been the one to disrespect my elders. I didn't want God to shorten my days at all.

I grabbed Andre off the couch making sure to grab everything I needed of his so I wouldn't have to come back down stairs for anything. I never wanted to be left alone with Fred he is always flirting and trying to touch me. I even told Jackie and she didn't believe me at all so I left it alone. That's one reason why I don't call her "mom". She is so wrapped around his fingers and brainwashed. My child has one time to come and tell me something like that and it's a wrap no if ands or buts about it.

Making my way upstairs Fred stopped me and grabbed me by my waist pinning me against the wall.

"Where you going my little May come on back down stairs with me so we can watch a little tv nothing too serious," he said with a bad case of morning breath.

"Let me go Fred before I call you're P.O I'm pretty sure you don't wanna have to go back to jail now do you?" He instantly let go and walked away. I knew I had him then he was scared of jail I heard through the wind that he was the bitch in there considering he doesn't have a pussy we all know exactly where it was going.

I ran into my room locked the door and started freshening Andre up. At least this raggedy house did allow me to have my own bathroom in my room. I ran some bath water put Andre in and bathed him for a good 10 mins took him out, fed him and he was out for right now.

I grabbed my flip phone off my night stand to see that I had 3 missed calls from Hannah I decided to wait a while before I call her back. I walked in the bathroom and started to take care of my daily hygiene. After being the tub for about 30 mins I got out lotioned my body from head to toe and got dressed to head outside somewhere rather to be stuck in the house.

Calling Hannah back she answered on the third ring. "Bitch I called you about 23 times and you didn't answer I started to think you was dead." Hannah said playfully over the phone. Hannah was one of those white girls who wanted to be black so bad. Meanwhile she has everything in the world her family was very wealthy. "Girl hush I'm here now but anyways can me and Andre come over there for a while?" I asked her while getting dressed. " My dad is not here sure you can but you'll have to leave before 6 that's when he gets off." "Okay we will be there shortly girl." I said as I hung up. Hannah's dad was very racist and couldn't stand for me to come over while her mom was as sweet as ever. Being that that's her husband she went along with him when he was around.

I quickly finished getting dressed grabbing everything I need and a couple dollars to catch the bus to Hannah's house because she stayed on the rich side of town but she begged her dad to let her go to a public school and not a private one once she reached high school.

Heading out the door I saw Fred on the couch laying in just his boxers sleep and scratching hisself I shook my head and left I honestly don't know what Jackie see's in him.

I'll stop right here for now I honestly don't know if the book is okay to keep going. Thoughts on the lil parts I do have up??🤔

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