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Ashwin pov:

It was a silent travel,dad was driving the car and mom was on front set and i sat in the back set.

I argued with  dad that "i will drive the car".

But he didn't let me to drive as I didn't know the exact location of the place.

So,i didn't argue with him after that and sat silently.

After about half - an- hour travel, we reached the place where the wedding function is to be held.

We were welcomed by the peoples present here as i don't know whose wedding function it is or rather i can say that I didn't ask dad about it.

Then we entered inside the hall where the function is going on.

But something strange in my heart  said that Nila is also here.

Both mom and dad are now engaged in their talking with their family friends whom they know.

So I decide to use my phone to pass the time.

When I opened my whatsapp, i saw a text from Nila.
"Turn to your left side".

When I read that message actually i turned to my left side and saw Nila waving her hand at me indicating me to come there.

I just blinked my eyes several times to confirm that the person who is in front of me in just a few meter distance is Nila.

When I realised that,Am not dreaming.

I excused myself from there telling dad and mom that "i am going to see my friends who is also present here".

Showing them the direction where I was about to go.

Then i went toward Nila  where she was sitting, even sid was also there with his friends.

I didn't expect them to be present here.

When i went towards them,there were also so surprised to see me here.

I said,"Hi guys,nice to see you all here" to all of them and sat with sid and Nila.

They also replied me the same and began to be engaged in their talking.

Nila started the conversation with me,"sorry ,i couldn't see your msg as i was busy in the preparation of the function".

I replied"It's ok,no problems".

Then we began to talk with each other and i get to know that the bride is the elder sister of sid and as Nila is his cousin she is also here.

And i informed her that sid parents are our  family friend and partner in business because it is the least i thing I know.

Then suddenly Nila asked me about priya and aadhi relationship.

I told her that they used to fight like tom and jerry whenever they got chance to tease each other.

Priya get irritated whenever she saw aadhi and aadhi will always used to make her angry and he will enjoy doing it.

I asked her "why are you asking it?".

Nila said,"I think so there is something more between priya and aadhi,so only I asked you".

Further she said that,"Nowadays priya is so engaged in her phone, talking to aadhi".

I was shocked to hear that they are talking daily because they were not used to talk to much since childhood as they always fight with each other,then all of sudden how this happened and what is going on without my knowledge.

Seeing my confused face Nila asked me whether i know it or not.

I shock my head negatively indicating i don't know anything.

After that she didn't ask anything about it.

But I have to find what is happening between priya and aadhi.

Then we began to talk casually ,Nila introduced her cousin's and I was having fun with her.

Then we ate dinner together and the only thought which were running in my mind is"I don't want this moment being with her to end".

I feel happy when ever I was around here.

Her presence brings a smile on my face.

But the time came that i have to leave with my parents to home.

I bid her bye and went towards the car where my parents were waiting for me.

Then i hopped into the car and went home.

Nila pov:

When I saw ashwin here, I was so happy that i could spend my time with him

I really don't know what is happening to me but I really like his presence around me.

I had so much fun talking with him that I even forget about my cousin.

Me and ashwin had taken a lot of pic together creating funny face with Snapchat and had our dinner together

When ashwin left something in my heart feel like missing him.

After ashwin left, I got scold from riya because of not spending my time with her.

Even sid also joined with riya and compliant me that I didn't spend time with them.

Somehow I convinced them and promise that i will spend all my time with them tomorrow as much as possible.

Ashwin pov:

When we reached home,I directly went inside and saw aadhi playing game with priya on tv.

I don't know when priya came here and even she didn't informed me about coming here.

They were so busy that ,they didn't even notice that i was standing behind them.

When I was about to call them,dad asked "priya when did you came?".

That's when they turned back and looked at us.

To be continued..........

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