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Nila pov:

I was noticing ashwin action that's when sid said "Bye"to ashwin and drag me with him.

When I turn back to say bye to ashwin ,he seems to look so angry all of sudden.

I don't know what happened to him all of sudden,I let it go for now and went with sid as he dragged me from there.

Today because of sid ,i had to bunk my morning class to help him in selecting gift for his girlfriend because his 1st year love anniversary was coming next week.

After helping him to select gift for his girlfriend ,he again dropped me at college.

When he was about to go,I stopped him and asked" How do you know ashwin?".

He also asked me the same question and i replied him that he is cousin of my friend priya.

"Now you tell me", I said to him.

He informed me that ,He and ashwin both become frnds in morning practice session when he was participating in athletics.

Then after talking for few minutes, I went to my class to attend the lecture.

At evening,when I saw ashwin,he doesn't even looked at me and directly went to bike stand.

Ashwin pov:

I don't know what happened to me all of sudden ,but on seeing sid talking with nila made so me much angry and i become uncomfortable in his presence.

I don't whether it is jealous or possessiveness, but I can't see her with other person .

Well of course,sid is my friend but...... I felt like she just ignored to talk to me because of sid.

When sid dragged her with him ,she should have atleast say bye to me but she didn't tell anything to me.

It made me so much angry, so I went silently to class and didn't talk much with my friends.

They asked ,"why are you silent today?" And I replied them,"
It's nothing,just lost in my thought guys".

After that ,they didn't asked me any further question because from my replies itself they understand that i was disturbed.

During lunch, when I went to canteen.......... there I saw priya but nila was not with her....

When priya saw me she just waved her hand and came towards me,instead of replying her,i asked her,"where is nila?".

"Why are you asking about her?"priya questioned me and raised her eyebrow waiting for my answer.

"I was just asking you causally because you both used to roam everywhere together",i replied her.

"She went with her cousin for some work",priya informed me.

"What! You mean she didn't attend her class?",. I exclaimed.

"Yes, it is her wise", priya told me.

I asked her" How can you let her to cut the class?".

"Wait, now why are you behaving like possessive boyfriend of her",priya questioned me.

Now , I was in trouble.......I should try to control my mouth or else it will finish me....

I didn't answer her question and told her that ,I have a important work to do,so catch you later bye......

And I escaped from there......

After college was over , I saw nila looking at me but I ignored her and went towards my bike and left to my home.

I don't know....... why I this did like that....... But if I stand there for another minutes then I won't stop myself from asking her questions like I was her possessives boyfriend.

I don't want to take my anger on her ,so only i left without looking at her.

When I reached home, I directly went to my room and gone to sleep.

At 8 clock,my mom came to my room with my dinner and waked me up.

Mom asked me whether i was feeling well or not?

I assured her that i was perfectly fine ,just feel very tried that's it.

Then mom left my room and i got fresh up and had my dinner.

After finishing my dinner,I went downstairs to keep the plate in kitchen.

And them, when I was about to go to my room, dad called me to come and sit with him as he need to talk with me..

So I sat near my dad and waited for dad to start the conversation.

That's when my brother Aadhi also came and sat near mom.

Then dad questioned us about our studies and the extra curricular activities to which we were giving him the answer.

After some talks ,dad informed that we have marriage to attend this Sunday which is of our one of the close relatives.

Dad strictly told us to not give any excuse for not attending the marriage function or rather i can say that he ordered us to attend the marriage without fail.

I said"OK"to my dad but really i was not interested in attending that marriage function because it will be always boring but don't have any other choice now.

After saying "Good night" to aadhi and mom and dad, i went to my room.

But I was not feeling so sleepy,so I decide to play pubg game.

When I took my mobile from the charger,i get to know that i got a missed call and a msg from unknown number.......

So I opened my messenger to see what is the msg......

***Unknown number msg-"Hai".

I reply to that number.

Ashwin msg-" May i know who is this?".

After sending the msg , immediately my phone beeped indicating that i got reply.

When I say the reply, I was really shocked to know the person who have messaged me.

To be continued..........

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