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Nila pov:

After reaching home,i get to know that my mobile was not with me,then i remember that i have gave my mobile to priya and forget to get back from her.

Then from my mom phone, i called Priya to inform her that,.     " i am coming to get my mobile from you".

But she told me ,no need of it because she was coming to my home to complete the assignment and told me that she will give my mobile to me then.

I asked how she will come because her parents are out of town and she doesn't know how to ride Scotty also,she is now in her cousin house.

She informed me that her cousin ashwin  will drop her at my home.

After talking to her ,i went to my room to get fresh up and now,i was standing in balcony seeing the empty road that's when I saw priya coming with her cousin.

As soon as I saw her ,i went near the gate to call her inside.

I saw her talking to him,i think so she is telling him to pick her up on time,but I notice that he is looking at me ,when he was talking to priya .

When I saw him ,he just penetrate that he was not looking at me.

Then priya called me to come to her side,so I went near her.

She introduced me to him.
He said ," Hi,nice to meet you".

I said ,"Hai".

Then priya said,"Bro u are my senior right?"

Ashwin replied, "yes,why are you asking questions like this now".

"Well,i want a  help from you",said priya.

"What help?"ashwin asked.

"Well,we have lot of doubt in assignment, so you should help us in clarifying it"told priya. And she asked me to support her.

"Yes,we need your help senior" i said to ashwin,he looked at me once and diverted his eyes.

Then priya began to say that,"Look both of us is asking your help".

Now we both we were looking at him for an answer.

He just nod his head as a sign of ok.

Then i invite both of them to come inside the house.

As soon as priya entered the house, my mom welcome her and  asked about her parents.

Then priya introduced ashwin to my mom and we went to my room.

After entering my room, we began to take notes for our assignment.

Ashwin helped us in clearing our doubts.

At last, we completed our assignment at 8clock and they were getting ready to leave.

That's when,I thanked ashwin for his help,he said,"It's ok".

He told me not to call him as senior because during this whole time ,i was calling him as senior.

He just told me call him by his name and i nod me head as ok.

He said,"That's good".

Then priya and ashwin said bye and are ready to go to their house,that's when mom told them to have dinner with us and they agreed to mom.

After having dinner,they went to their house.

Ashwin pov:

After reaching home,i went directly to my bed and started thinking about today 's incident.

It was like my dream come true, because i always dream of talking to her and now it has happened for real.

I don't know how to express my happiness,it was a unexpected day for me.

I never thought,i would talk to nila because it is like my dream come true..

I hope this start of my friendship with nila ends in love.

While I was lost in my own world ,i heared a knock on my door.

When I told that my door is open,i saw priya coming inside with a teasing smile.

"Well,i think so......... some one is very happy today"said priya.

I asked her"who is happy?".

"Oh,you don't know who is it?",she asked as if I know.

I nod  my head innocently like a kid because she know the reason of my happiness.

"Don't u dare act like kid,then i will tell everything to uncle and aunty",said priya.

I asked her,"what you will tell them?".

"Don't act like you don't know anything ".Warned priya.

"Ok ok cool,now tell me why you are here"i asked  her.

"Well today,i helped you to talk with my friend so you should buy me a chocolate tomorrow",said priya.

I agreed to buy her chocolate and she left my room.

Well,you all must be thinking how priya know about my crush on nila.

Let's see that on next chapter,until be continued.....

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