Hungover II - Adam Ruzek

Start from the beginning

"I'm not ashamed or anything, lexi understands that she has two daddy's in fact she proudly tells people she has two daddy's and a momma" you smiled "so to answer the question I have a kid but don't, I'm actually lexi's god mother"

"Well it's that prick doesn't know what he is missing" Adam nodded.

A couple of hours passed, throwing your phone down next to you as you looked up to see Adam had fallen asleep with his hand propping his head up and snoring softly.

Hearing a knock at your door, you pushed yourself off the sofa, trudging over to the door.

"Momma it's me" a little voice shouted.

Opening the door you couldn't help but smile at the goofy face Lexi was pulling.

"Come here give momma a cuddle" you laughed taking her out of Jake's arms "now my little angel you have to be quite one of momma's friends is sleeping and momma has a sore head"

"Okay" she grinned "was he drinking with you last night?"

"For a 6 year old you are a lot smarter than you should be and you ask a lot of questions" you laughed placing her on her feet.

"So I'm guessing by the sleeping beauty on your sofa the stripper never went home" Niall smirked.

"Yes he went to work, left his badge because turns out he is an actual cop, so I went to drop it off. His Sargent sent him home because of how hungover he was, I was still outside when he came out so grabbed breakfast and came back here to ride the hangover out" you shrugged flicking the kettle on.

Spinning round on your heels you saw the look on Niall and Jake's face.

"You can stop looking at me like that" you said shaking your head. "I'm happy as I am thank you"

"Doesn't mean you cant be happier" Niall whispered placing his hand over yours.

"Momma" lexi shouted before covering her mouth. "Sorry" she whispered

"What's up baby" you said walking over to her crouching to her level when I the corner of your eye you saw Adam sit up rubbing his eyes.

"Are you dancing tonight?" She asked.

"Not tonight" you smiled.

"Urm about that girl, I need you to work tonight" jake said.

"Hello still hungover here" you waved.

"Nah not the pole, need you to cover Leigh on bar" he nodded.

"Fine" you laughed turning to Adam. "Adam, you met Niall last night this is his husband Jake and this little angel is lexi"

"Are you a police man?" Lexi asked seeing Adam's badge on the coffee table.

"Yes I am" he smiled as she clambered you onto the sofa.

"Why aren't you at work?" She asked, watching as Adam smiled.

"I'm not feeling well so my boss told me to rest up" he said tapping her nose.

"Do you have a sore head like momma?" She questioned.

"Yes I have a sore head like momma" he chuckled flashing me a cheeky grin

As Adam and lexi were chatting away you and Niall heading into your room, flopping on your bed as he raided your wardrobe something he always did when you was covering the bar.

"What look we going for tonight Ni?" I asked.

"I'm keeping it simple, black leather trousers, white vest top and waist coat" he smiled.

"As long as I get to wear my converse and not heels I'm down" you laughed as he tossed the clothes on the bed. "What time do you need me?"

"ASAP" he laughed.

"Fine let me go kick Adam out then" you chuckled as you walked out your room, as you did you saw Adam on the phone.

"I gotta bounce" he said picking his badge up.

"I was just about to say I gotta get ready for work" you smiled "hopefully I will see you around, you have my number"

"Yeah you defiantly will" he smiled pulling me into a hug.

"Momma, Adam said he'd take me to look around the station" lexi grinned pulling at his leg for a hug.

"Now I said if it's okay with (Y/N) and your daddy's" Adam said bending to Lexi's level to give her a hug.

Soon enough Adam had left your house.

"Have I told you how amazing you are Kiddo" you said giving lexi a fist bump "now how about we put some cartoons on whilst I get ready for work"

"Do you know Adam is the first guy that you've had round with that lexi has instantly liked" jake smiled at me.

"Only because she is obsessed with anything to do with police" you laughed as he followed you into your room.

"And I wonder who's fault that is aye" he said rolling his eyes.

"Hey I cant help it" you laughed as you started to get changed "but I tell you that kid is an absolute angel because now I don't have to think of an excuse to see the boy again"

"Don't be using lexi as your wing girl" Niall said throwing my clothes at me.

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