Tsukishima x Male Reader

Start from the beginning

"And you guys didn't go to the same school, right?"

"Nope," Kei clicked his tongue. "He went to Nekoma, with your Uncle Kuroo. We met at the first training camp my school ever got to go to. And when he was with Kuroo and Bokuto, it was a headache."

"So.. how'd you know you liked him?" Emiko asked, pulling on her fingers. Kei noticed the habit and cocked an eyebrow. It was a nervous habit she had picked up from her Uncle Keiji.

"Well, it was on our first day at the nationals tournament," Kei answered, turning a corner. "Well, more like the end of that day. We met with Nekoma outside the gymnasium to wish each other luck for the second day, and (M/N) was being oddly quiet. When we got ready to split up, he walked over and asked me - politely, for once - to go out with him."

"And you said yes?"

"Absolutely not," Kei smirked. "But I did get his number, and we texted for a while. When it came to our match, which my team won, he grabbed me and kissed me for like, ten seconds-"


"I know right," The blonde scoffed, rolling his eyes. Emiko giggled, gesturing for him to continue. "Anyways, when he let me go, he begged me to go out with him and win the rest of our games for him. That's when I realized I did like him. And the rest is basically history, I suppose."
He looked down at his daughter, raising an eyebrow. "Why? What's this about?" He asked. Emiko blushed and looked down, and he seemed to catch on. "Oh, is this about a guy at your school?" He teased.

"T-Totally!" Emiko awkwardly laughed, nodding. Just then, Kei pulled into the museum parking lot. "Oh look we're here!" She exclaimed, hopping out the car as soon as it was parked. Kei cocked an eyebrow, but shrugged and got out the car as well. They headed inside, straight to Kei's office. "So what are you doing today? Archiving? Touring? Curating?"

"For today, archiving," Kei answered, setting their stuff down on his desk. "We just got a new exhibit, so I have to mark down everything and make sure the information we have is accurate."

"What's the new exhibit on?"


"Really dad?" Emiko giggled. Kei nodded proudly, smirking as he grabbed a box and carried it over. His daughter knew how much he loved dinosaurs; he had figures of them back home all over the house. "Well, I'm just gonna do my work then," she said, grabbing a chair and sitting at the desk next to his. The one he had installed a few weeks ago, after the second time she had skipped school.

The Tsukishima's sat in silence as they worked, the only noise to heard being the classical music Kei had playing in the background. A few hours passed, and every now and then, he'd have to leave to take care of business, but he usually returned after a few minutes.
However, the third time he had returned from helping, he walked in on his daughter texting on her phone, a panicked expression on her features. "Hey, you alright?" He asked casually, sitting back down.

Emiko looked up, obviously frazzled, but gave a nervous smile. "Oh y-yeah, I'm fine dad. Apparently there was a fight at school," she mumbled, her words a bit jumbled together.

Kei hummed, shaking his head. "Got it. I hope you're not associating yourself with any hooligans," he mused, patting her head. She just nodded, keeping her eyes averted. "Emiko?"
Her hands were trembling, and that's when he recognized the tear droplets landing on her lap. His eyes widened, and he quickly grasped her shoulders. "Hey, hey," he whispered. She whimpered, keeping her head down. "You need to talk to me, okay?"

Emiko shook her head. He was about to speak again, but stopped when the girl just slid her phone over to her. He took it, pulling her into his side as he unlocked it and went to her messages.

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