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"Scott!" I gasped, rushing over to my brother as he slumped against the wall, letting out a pained groan.  My eyes were wide as I stared at the pike protruding out of his stomach.

Malia arrived at Scott's other side. "We have to get it out." she announced, looking up to meet eyes with Scott.

He gave her a small nod, and I turned to Liam. "Help me hold him." I ordered, already securing my arms against my brother's chest. Liam nodded, rushing over to ensure Scott didn't move.

I looked back to Lori and Malia before looking down at Scott, "You ready?" I asked quietly. He let out another grunt before nodding.

Malia wasted no time in grabbing the pike, beginning to pull it out of my brother. Scott continued letting out pained gasps. I felt myself wince as I tightened my grip on him,  I hated when he was in pain.

"Got it!" Malia called. Seconds later the pike was pull completely from Scott's torso. The second it was out, Scott's legs gave out from under him, and Liam and I had to rush to slowly lower him to the ground.

"They knew we were coming." Scott grunted as Malia pressed some sort of rag to the wound. I watched on with worried eyes as my brother withered in pain.

"Don't talk," Malia ordered, "Just heal, and let us figure it out."

Scott ignored her order, letting out another groan, "They've been a step ahead of us the whole time." he observed.

"I'm sorry," Lori announced, her eyes travelling down the tunnels, "But I can't wait around, we have to go."

I glanced over to her, and then back at my brother. There was no way he was going anywhere anytime soon.

Liam looked up from where he had been watching Scott, "We still have the numbers, four to two." he exclaimed, "We're faster, stronger."

Scott looked over at his beta through pained eyes, "They're smarter." he retorted.

"I don't care who's smarter or faster or whatever, my brother's going to die!" Lori argued.

My brother shook his head, "Something's not right," he whispered, "That arrow, the trip wire, the poison...these aren't amateurs."

"But they've never fought us before." Liam challenged.

"And you've never fought hunters, Liam." Scott shot back, "Neither has Sydney and all she has is a baseball bat." I glanced down at the bat in my hand before looking up to my brother. "We need to stick together." he confirmed.

"I need to go!" Lori yelled, desperation in her voice.

"You're not going alone," Liam argued, "I-I'll go with you."

I looked to my brother with sad eyes before looking up at them, "You don't have the numbers if only two of you go,"  I announced, "I'll go too."

"Sydney," Scott snapped, "You don't know who they are or what they're capable of. A baseball bat isn't going to protect you."

I was about to speak when Liam cut me off, kneeling beside my brother. "Look, I know who we are. We never give up, especially when it's someone innocent, when it's someone alone, when it's one of our friends."

Scott looked back at him with pained eyes before nodding ever so slightly. "Okay go," he whispered, "All of you go, I'll catch up."

That was all Lori and Liam needed to hear, the were gone before the last word even left Scott's mouth. However Malia and I stayed back, both of us watching my brother with worried eyes.

"Go!" Scott ordered, looking up at me, "Just be careful."

I looked to Malia briefly, "Maybe I shouldn't leave you," I whispered, realizing that my own brother came first over anyone.

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑─𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦 𝐝𝐮𝐧𝐛𝐚𝐫Where stories live. Discover now