flash forward pt. 3

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"Would. You. Stop. Moving?" Lydia demanded, pulling at my hair in between each word.

I let out a huff of air, blowing a curl out of my face. "I can't." I admitted. "I'm too nervous."

"You know, I don't get the nerves." Malia interjected from where she sat on the couch. "Isn't this something you're supposed to be excited for."

Shooting her a quick glare, I shrugged. "I--I just--what if something goes wrong?"

Malia snorted. "Do you think he's going to change his mind?"

"No." I asserted. "But what if I fall? Or what if I forget what I'm supposed to say?"

Lydia gave me a gentle smile as she placed her hands on my shoulders, looking at me through the mirror. "Syd, this day is about you and Liam. This is your wedding, not everyone else's. If you fall, so what. If you forget your vows, so what? He loves you and that's all that matters."

Ten years. Ten years since Liam and I had first met and we were finally getting married.

Two of those ten were spent engaged, enjoying every blissful moment. But now the day was here in which we would stand up in front of our closest family and friends and profess our feelings.

I gave her a small nod, chewing at the skin around my fingernails as Lydia continued working on my hair.

"Syd, stop it. You're going to ruin your nails." A stern voice from across the room demanded.

I turned to look at the blonde haired girl. Willa Jenkins, aka my third bridesmaid. The two of us had met our freshman year of college and became fast friends. She had found out about everything supernatural two years into our friendship and had been graciously accepted by the pack.

In fact, she had been so accepted that her and Theo eventually started dating. Theo, the boy who I still refused to verbally call my friend. But I couldn't deny that he had changed tremendously since our high school days. I may have refused to say it out loud, but it was no longer "my friends and Theo." It was "my friends" and that included Theo.

It had taken over five years following the Anuk-ite debacle, but Theo had finally been accepted into the pack. It wasn't always easy getting all of us to get along, but somehow it all worked out.

I gave Willa an irritated look at her reprimand. "I should have let Stiles be a bridesmaid." I mumbled, "He'd let me chew my nails.

Stiles had practically begged to stand up with me instead of with Liam. In his own words it was "Nothing against Liam, I just like you better."

And as much as he claimed it was breaking gender norms and was "actually very progressive," Lydia eventually convinced him to stand with Liam instead.

So, that left my bridesmaids as Lydia, Malia, Willa and my dad's new girlfriend's daughter-Sawyer. No matter how much I protested against the final bridesmaid, I had lost that battle.

Sawyer, the youngest and most miserable of the group sat alone in front one of the mirrors, piling on too much eye shadow.

Cringing, I looked to Lydia. "When is my mom going to be back?"

Lydia sighed, pinning the final piece of my hair back. "She just went to get coffee, Syd. She's not going to miss the wedding."

I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest as I pushed my lips into a pout. "I'm not appreciating all the hate I'm getting from you guys."

"Stop being annoying then." Sawyer muttered, briefly looking up from her eyeshadow pallet.

"Cool the attitude." I ordered. "And while you're at it cool the eyeshadow."

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑─𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦 𝐝𝐮𝐧𝐛𝐚𝐫Where stories live. Discover now