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"I can't tell where it's coming from!" Liam exclaimed, as him Mason and I rejoined in the hallway. We had decided it was best to split up to try and figure out where the blood was coming from, I mean sure Mason and I couldn't smell it like Liam could, but we could certainly see it.

"It's like it's coming from everywhere." Liam observed.

"How is that possible?" Mason questioned.

"Maybe it's coming from more than one place." I offered, "Or more than one piece."

"What if it's in the air," Mason suggested, "It could be coming out of the vents."

It was at this moment that all three of us looked up at the vents that were hanging over our heads, blowing air directly at us.

"The boiler room." I announced when I realized where we would have to go to determine whether Mason was correct or not.

"Let's go." Liam nodded, which sent the 3 of us into a full on sprint down the hallway and towards the boiler room of our school. 

After running halfway across the school, we reached the boiler room, "Stand back." Liam ordered, as he backed up, preparing to take a run at the door in attempts to break it down.

Just as he began running towards it Mason reached down ans turned the handle, revealing the door was unlocked. Obviously he pulled it open, but it was too late for Liam to stop running as he went flying into the room, landing with a thud.

"It's open." Mason said obviously as Liam groaned from inside the dim room.

"Yeah." I whispered, cringing in embarrassment that this was the boy who believed he could be alpha in a few short months. Shaking my head one last time, I entered the room to find Liam laying on his back, a pile of buckets and tools littered around him.

"Why didn't you guys tell me the door was open?" he groaned, as Mason and I pulled him up from the concrete floor.

"You didn't give us a chance." I explained with a slight shrug.

"Horrible friends." he muttered as we started to walk through the long hallways of the boiler room, Liam leading the way.

We were about halfway in when Liam stopped at a door which had the letters HVAC written across it.

"HVAC?" I whispered in confusion.

"Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning." Mason answered, of course he knew what it meant.

Liam looked back at us, a timid look on his face as he reached out and gripped the door handle. My breath caught in my throat as he slowly turned it, eventually pulling the door open to reveal a man, his eyes shut, skin pale and skull bloody, he was dead.

It was now that the smell finally hit me, "Oh my God." I whispered, bringing my arm up to shield my nose from the smell, "What the hell happened?"

Liam bent down to get a closer look and I almost yelled at him to not get too close, afraid that maybe this guy wasn't actually dead.

"It looks like something took a bite out of his skull." Yeah, he's dead.

"We need to call Sheriff." I announced, pulling out my phone and dialing the police station.

After I hung up the phone, the three of us got out of there immediately. Rushing out into the hallway I took a breath of fresh air.

"We should go to the main office, we'll have to talk to the police." Mason suggested.

I let out a shaky breath, "Yeah, good idea."

"Are you alright?" Liam whispered as him and I trailed behind Mason.

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑─𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦 𝐝𝐮𝐧𝐛𝐚𝐫Where stories live. Discover now