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I leaned further into by bed as music continued to blast through my headphones, drowning out the outside world. It was only seven o'clock, but I had already called it a night, deciding not to go to the bon fire-especially if Liam was going to be there. 

A warm tear fell from my eye and I quickly reached up to brush it from my face. Was I really crying over him?

I closed my eyes, the events from earlier today running through my mind once again. Although I claimed Liam and I were only friends, it didn't mean that this hurt any less. 

When I finally reopened my eyes, they were met with that of green ones staring back at me. I let out a scream as I jumped back, pulling the headphones from my ears in the process. 

Sophia watched me from where she stood beside my bed, an amused smile on her face. 

"What the hell are you doing?" I snapped, placing a hand over my heart which was rapidly beating in my chest.

Sophia rose a brow, "What the hell are you doing?" she countered, "I tried ringing the doorbell but no one answered," she reached over to turn down my music which was still blaring through the headphones, "I can see why now."

I shot her a glare, "What are you doing here?"

Sitting down on my bed, Sophia shoved me over so she had more room, "You left so quickly after school today," she explained, "I asked Liam if he knew where you were but-"

I looked over at her, demeanour instantly changing, "Why would you ask him?" I snapped, more harshly than I intended. 

Sophia ignored my tone, "Because, Sydney," she began, "Unlike you, I can see that you and Liam are actually friends...if not something more."

I scoffed, playing with the ends of my blanket as I looked down, "We're not." I answered coldly, "We're not anything."

My best friend sent me a curious glance before continuing, "Anyway, I was going to ask you if you were coming tonight, but," she drawled, "Since I couldn't find you, I'm here now." she chirped, sending me a large grin.

" I have a phone you know?" I shot back, holding up the small device. 

Sophia rolled her eyes as she stood up, "Yes, but if I had simply texted you, you would have said no."

I nodded, laying back down in my bed, "You're right I would have...just like I'm saying no now."

Sophia scoffed as she pulled my covers off of me, "Get up and get dressed," she ordered, already making for my closet.

"No," I argued, pulling the blankets back over my body, "I'm not going."

Sophia threw a sweater from my closet in my direction, "Yes," she argued, "You are."

"I'm not." I shot back, sending the sweater back in her direction. 

"Yes." she now threw a pair of jeans onto my bed.

I sat up, huffing as I pulled the blankets back, "Fine." I muttered, pulling myself to my feet, "But we're leaving the minute I want to, and we are not, I mean not hanging out with Liam."

Sophia scrunched up her face as she shook her head with a small laugh, "Okay," she promised, "No Liam."

Thirty minutes later we arrived at the bon fire. I felt nerves build inside of me as we moved into the crowd, the prospect of seeing Liam making me feel sick.

"You look amazing," Sophia promised, "Liam will like it." she teased, a sly grin coming to her face.

I shot her a warning glare, "You promised no Liam." I pointed out, "I could not care less what he would like, he had his chance." I sniped, muttering the last part so only I could hear. 

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑─𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦 𝐝𝐮𝐧𝐛𝐚𝐫Where stories live. Discover now