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It took me a few moments to register where I was once I opened my eyes. I was on the back of a horse in some kind of station, I was pretty certain it was a train station judging by the tracks that we were riding along.

With each step the horse took my limp body felt as if it was going to fall off. There was a line of horses, each one with one or more figures on top. My hands and feet were tied tightly, preventing me from moving

My eyes locked on the figure that was in front of me on the same horse. It was a Ghost Rider, I could tell by the long dark hair that was at risk of hitting me in the face.

I remained silent, too afraid to say a word, terrified of the consequences that might come with it. Silent tears began to fall down my cheeks as we emerged into a larger area that looked like the main part of the station.

As we entered, a crowd of people began screaming, all of them rushing to duck behind chairs or walls, they were all scared of the Ghost Riders.

The horses began to slow down and I looked around frantically, a gasp left my lips as I was thrown from the horse, hitting the ground with a loud thud. I sat up immediately as the horses circled the group of us who had just been dumped in the station. One of the Ghost Riders whipped their whip, warning us not to try and get up. The ties around my hands and feet suddenly disappeared and I quickly used my feet to push myself further away from the Ghost Riders, my heart pounding in my chest.

With one final look at the group of fresh meat that they had dropped off, the Ghost Riders whipped at the horses, causing them to kick up on their hind legs before taking off, leaving me and the others terrified and confused.

I looked around the train station, trying to figure out what do to next, how to get out of here. I had finally worked up the courage to stand up when I heard my name being called.

My eyes darted around so quickly I was afraid they would pop out of my head, and I swear they almost did when I saw who it was calling my name.

"Syd!" My eyes landed on none other than Stiles Stilinski, literally sprinting towards me.

A sob escaped my lips as he crashed into me, wrapping his arms around me and hugging me so tightly my feet left the ground.

Now, I've known Stiles for most of my life, and we had only embraced a handful of times. One of the only other times I remember hugging him like I was now was when I was 6 years old, he was 8 and his mother died. It was one of those quick awkward hugs because at that time I still believed boys had cooties, but it was full of emotion. Now, there was nothing more I wanted to do than hug Stiles.

My tears were soaking his shirt as he held me close, telling me it was all going to be okay.

"I didn't forget." I whispered as we pulled apart, "I knew you were real, that you existed."

Stiles' face fell slightly, "The others, they forgot?" he asked quietly.

I gave him a sad nod, "I tried to help them remember, but now that I'm gone too I-" I cut myself off shaking my head, "I don't know." I admitted.

Stiles gave me a small nod as if to say we'd get it figured out before pulling me back into a hug, "God Syd, I don't think I've ever been so happy to see you."

I felt a small smile spread onto my face as I hugged him back. I may have lost everything else, but at least I knew Stiles was okay and at that moment that was all I cared about.

"Is this reunion over?" A voice asked, which caused me to slowly pull away from Stiles. I knew that voice, i was just praying it was not who I thought it was. Apparently luck just wasn't on my side today. Standing in front of Stiles and I was Peter Hale in the flesh, a smug smirk on his face.

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑─𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦 𝐝𝐮𝐧𝐛𝐚𝐫Where stories live. Discover now