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"So you think a professional assassin is the one killing people?" I asked sitting down on Scott's bed. He and Stiles had been going over all the recent murders, and each of them just so happened to correspond with the dead pool.

Scott nodded as he paced the length of his room, "Someone's hiring them though." he answered, "Remember Sean and his family? They were all killed by someone called the Mute. But they might not all be professional killers"

"So who's the one hiring them then?" I asked, watching my brother with curious eyes,

Scott shrugged as he stopped pacing, "We don't know who it is. All we know so far is that they call themselves 'The Benefactor' ."

I let out a shaky breath, "And they're after all supernaturals in Beacon Hills?"

"Yeah." Scott whispered, looking up to meet my gaze. He looked scared, and when Scott was scared, so were the rest of us.

He tore his eyes away from me, trying to hide his fear, "So far they've killed the Wolcotts, Demarco-the guy who delivered the keg to Lydia's lake house the other night, and now Carrie Hudson"

"Who's that?" I asked, not recognizing her name.

"I've never heard of her until now." Scott admitted, "She was 23 and she was stabbed. They haven't figure out by what yet."

I felt my heart drop. More and more people were dying, and if we didn't figure out who was in charge of this deal pool, my friends and brother could be next.

I shook my head as I proceeded, trying to fully understand what was going on, "And they're taking money from the Hale vault?"

After receiving a nod of confirmation from my brother, I continued, "How is the rest of the dead pool going to be decoded?"

Scott nodded, "We're hoping that Lydia will be able to figure that out."

My eyes fell to my feet, anxiety consuming me, "Is it even safe to be going outside anymore?" I mumbled.

"I know it's scary Syd, but we can handle it okay? I just want you to stay out of it" Scott said softly, resting his hand on my shoulder.

I looked over at him, an incredulous look on my face, "Stay out of it?" I snapped, "That's kind of hard to do when your brother and friends have a bunch of assassins out after them."

Scott leaned back slightly, already sick of our argument, "You're fifteen Sydney, you shouldn't be caught up in all of this. I'm giving you an out, so please, take it." he ordered

"I can handle it," I shot back, not backing down, "I've been involved before." I argued, referring to the multiple times in the last year I that I had played a role in taking down whatever threat was being presented.

My brother shot to his feet, "And look where that's gotten you! You don't even feel safe staying in your own house!" He yelled, causing me to shrink back, "You're my little sister and I want to protect you." His angry eyes met mind, daring me to challenge him again, so I did.

I stood up, so I was facing him. He had almost a foot on me, but that didn't mean I was scared of him, "I can protect myself, Scott. You don't have to worry about me all the time! I'm basically the exact same age you were when you got involved in all of this."

Scott let out a bitter laugh, "Not sure if you've forgotten, but I wasn't a normal fifteen year old. I could handle myself better than you."

I crossed my arms over my chest, "Well then what about Stiles and Allison? They didn't have supernatural powers helping them!"

The minute the words left my mouth, Scott's face fell, "Allison's dead, Sydney. Does that help you understand?"

I shook my head as I looked down to my feet, urging myself to stop speaking before this went from bad to worse.

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑─𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦 𝐝𝐮𝐧𝐛𝐚𝐫Where stories live. Discover now