21 | soobin, remember that name

Start from the beginning

"Ms. Hi! Prof Shang told me to deliver these files to you." She says, not hesitating to come near them and forcefully put it to the desk, she slammed Soobin's hand on it which made him flinch. "O-Oh, thank you." She gave a soft smile to Julia, obviously tensed.

Julia was about to walk out when she remembered something again. "And oh! She told me to do your work as quick as you can, she's waiting for you in her office. She looks really tired." She commented like Soobin wasn't present, she didn't look at him even once.

"As for you... You look really tired, too, Ms. Hi. You were panting when I came in, it looked like you had a home-run." She added. "I'll go first then, have a good session! I hope you reach 3 home-runs. Ms. Hi, fighting!" She cheered with a wide smile and turned herself, the smile faded.

Julia was silently cussing as she open the door, she didn't even glance at them again and hurriedly walked out. She was really really pissed. Was it because she was jealous?

She scoffed at the thought. Jealous, my ass. She was pissed because her plan didn't go that way, everything was ruined because of Soobin's daily make out/fuck session and Ms. Hi's pedophile genes. She shrugged it off and cooled herself down.

"Hey, Jisu Kwon." A voice suddenly called, she recognized it and continued walking, acting like she didn't hear it. "Yah, Kwon Jisu!" Soobin called out again, this time, he fastens his pace to stop her. He held her shoulder that made Julia surprised, yes, she was surprised, and she's not acting. Her eyes widened but then it was gone after a matter of seconds.

Yikes, she didn't expect him to be one of those typical drama guys. Oh well, looks like she thought wrong. She blinked abruptly, "S-Sorry? What did I do?" She innocently asks making Soobin crease his forehead.

"Stop acting innocent. You know damn well why I called you." His eyes pierced through Julia, but that didn't even budge her, instead she stared back. "I really don't know what you're talking about, so if you're done, let me go." She politely said and carefully removed his hand. Soobin groaned and held her wrist.

Julia looked at his hand with raised eyebrows, the puppy eyes still present. "Sorry, but I don't think you should touch me like that, I don't like dirty people touching me." I don't like your dirty hands on me, idiot, that hand must have touched million's girls breasts.

Soobin widened his eyes, "See! You know what I'm talking about. Your reaction awhile ago, this time, and at the bar are the same. Stop acting so clueless." He remarked, looking down at her.

Julia almost scoffed. "What do you mean by that?" She asks so innocently. She didn't want to blow her cover. Soobin smirked and pushed his face near hers. "Don't hide and just say you're into me, I don't like girls who're martyr. I don't have time to figure of their feelings, it wastes my time." He stares deep into her eyes with a grin. He looks so proud saying those.

That made Julia laugh so loud, she just couldn't contain it anymore. Soobin stared at her, confused. Julia calmed herself and looked at him. "Uhm, if you're talking about seeing you almost fucking Ms. Hi. I couldn't care less. And I don't remember seeing you in a bar, mister." She lied, smiling friendly again.

Soobin's mouth fell, "M-Mister? You still don't know my name even after I introduced myself to you and drove you home?" He scoffed, it was so unbelievable, he won't believe it.

Julia acted surprised, "Oh, you drove me home? When? Sorry, I really can't remember. Many guys have drove me home, that's why I can't familiarize." She acted like she tried to remembered, that made Soobin speechless.

What the fuck? She really doesn't remember me? Even after I drove her home? Even if she was the first woman I drove home? The thoughts scared the hell out of him. He never ever felt so unimportant in his life. Girls would beg for him even if all he did was look at them, but this girl is just...

"I can't remember clearly. So if you had, thank you for driving me home, I guess. I'll get going now." She smiled sweetly and waved before passing by the spacing out Soobin.

Her smile became a smirk. Fucking payback for making me worry. She continued walking when she heard him once again, "Jisu."

She turned to him with a confused expression, Soobin looked so serious while calling her. "Soobin, remember my name. It's Soobin, Jisu." He says, almost commanding. Julia was playfully smirking at the back of her head, but in front of Soobin, she gave an innocent smile with a nod.

"Soobin." She repeated before waving goodbye to leave him there. And there, Soobin was left in a confused state. Julia had stepped over his pride, she jumped on it, and she crushed it. He sighed. He's not liking the girl's personality, not at all, and he will never did, never does, never will.


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