19 | do you watch yadong?

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"Why are you so mean to me?! You act so kind around your fathers and the teachers." She mumbled, clicking her mouth as he doesn't response. "Two faced mofo." She continued rambling on, "You should treat girls with respect."

Beomgyu sighed and close the book, "I am kind. I respect people who deserves to be." He said. Joanne widened her eyes, "So are you saying I don't deserve to be respected? I'm a woman for heaven's sake, Beomgyu!"

Beomgyu scoffed at her words, he sighs then says. "Respect begets respect, I don't care if you don't have the same gender or sexual orientation, Ryujin. If you don't respect me, then I won't." He shrugs. Joanne blinked abruptly hearing those words. "I learned to treat people the same way they treat me. We're just.. jinx." He added, and then proceeds to open his laptop.

Joanne shut her mouth. She was so damn speechless, she felt like she was taught a lesson about human rights. She sighs, the world changed so fast, from gentlemen to equal rights. Right, Chivalry is dead. She took a deep breath and watched as Beomgyu type a report for a subject, she was pouting.

She reflected herself. There is a stand and a standard on the system, the boys were taught to repect girls and were raised to be gentlemen— excluding in fights, of course. They were taught to respect seniors, and follow them whatever they teach and order. Damn seniority and privileges. People are the same, they can do the same things, be it girl or boy, old or young, straight or LGBT+, everyone is the same, no exception. She sighed, she just contradicted a standard the system has taught them to think. She bit her lower lip. Respect begets respect, people are all the same. She bitterly chuckled at the thought, I'm not one of those people, I'm a fucking agent.

But that... doesn't exclude herself. She was still a human after all. Everyone in the system were.

She then remembered about the Professor who she argued with, what about that? She was really keeping her cool but the Professor was just too damn disrespectful. She sighed once again, she realized she was a hypocrite, she ate her words and bitched the standard she always thought she believed and followed from the start.

Beomgyu can feel his neck hurting, it has been a minute or five of looking up to a spacing and pouting girl, she was sighing on and on and was even chuckling. He was confused at her actions, yet chose to stare until she came to her senses. He giggled, "Fucktard. I just spent minutes thinking about what you said!" Joanne blustered upon meeting his eyes.

The lad shook his head and smiled, he then looked at his laptop again before speaking. "Hm? Why would you even overthink that? I have principles and you have yours, Ryujin. I believe that we should treat people the same way they treat us regardless of our differences. You believe girls should be respected and treated kind regardless of their treatment towards you." He paused and looked at her when he mentioned girls.

"So what if we think differently? That doesn't make one of us wrong. I believe in equal rights, but I don't believe we think and view the same things. We can have different mindsets, Ryujin, so don't think about that too much." Joanne was once again speechless. How can the system label this woke motherfucker as a naive boy? Every word that came out from his mouth just surprised the hell out of her.

Joanne just shrugged it off, atleast she learned something today, right? She took this chance to annoy his ass, "Ooh! Choi Beomgyu is woke! Wow boy! Who taught you that, your father?" She giggled and tried to pat his hair. The ambiance suddenly changed when the boy gave her a cold shudder.

Beomgyu hissed, there it is, her annoying side. He removed her hands and answered, "I didn't. I know things by myself, you know. I don't depend on my father that much. His views would ruin my stand, Ryujin." He spoke in a hushed voice, almost as if someone was listening to them.

Joanne stopped and looked at Beomgyu, what did he mean by that? Forehead creases, she tried to process it but was stopped when Beomgyu stood. "Sit here, do the poem. Let's switch." He tsked. She nodded and moved away, getting serious seeing his mood overturned. Gone was the smirky Beomgyu, he gave an icy emotion that made her cold.

She pouted and started typing, her mind wandering as she thought about what happened to him. But even after that, she was reminded of Julia's words. Joanne, your boy is a fucking introvert who's fucking innocent, can't even tell if he has watched a porno or something.

With the deafening silence, Joanne stopped typing and slowly looked up to Beomgyu who was sitting on the high chair. Beomgyu raised his brows, "What?" He mumbled, his upper lips rose  seeing Joanne smile like she did something wrong, she smiled cutely.

"I have a question."


"Look, I'm just... I'm really just curious. You look so innocent but you're not. And please don't think I'm perverted—"

"Just ask, Ryujin." He groaned. He watched as Joanne hesitantly speak. When she had enough courage, she grinned widely, her ears heated up.

"Do... do you watch yadong?" She asks, making the latter's mouth fall as his cheeks redden. He creased his forehead, "What the hell, Ryujin?!" Beomgyu almost screamed that made Joanne laugh her ass up.

And on a 7PM of a Friday, at the Choi's residence's study room, a laughing girl and an angry boy red as tomato are located.


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