the one where they open up

Start from the beginning

"So they're not willing to put out a statement that we're together?"

"No, they are. We're going to work out the details. It's just we are at the point of trying to figure out what the statement would look like and how things would be worded."

Jongin nodded, "So it'd be easier for them to confirm a report made by Dispatch or another outlet than to come up with our own report?"

"In a way, yes. Because then all SM would have to do is say yes this is something that is going on. Whereas with announcing it completely on our own, we have to come up with how we want to word this in order to try and get the best public reaction possible. It'll take longer, but we're trying to watch out for you two."

"So why not just have a source leak the info to an outlet?"

Jongin's manager took in a breath, "It's a thought that I'll make sure to bring up in the afternoon session of this meeting. For now, why don't you and Taemin go and get some lunch together? Who knows - maybe you two being seen out together will be a good thing for us all."

Jongin let out a quiet laugh and nodded, walking back to where Taemin was sitting and motioning toward the door. Taemin followed him out of the room and raised an eyebrow.

"They're working out the details still. Let's go get some food and maybe they'll have a brilliant idea while we're gone."

They went to a nearby restaurant that they both enjoyed, sitting down across from each other and quietly ordering their food. They couldn't really discuss what all was going on in full open words so things were quiet between them.

"Stressful day huh?" Taemin said quietly after a minute.

Jongin nodded, "Yeah it is makes me wish it had been done before now just so it would be over with by now."

Taemin smiled, tapping his foot against Jongin's a couple times. I love you.

Jongin smiled over at him, "You too." He replied quietly, "I guess an afternoon full of meetings is waiting for us today."

"Probably so."

"I really have a whole new appreciation for things that don't involve long meetings you know."

"Tell me about it."

"Needs to be simple and to the point."

Jongin was sure to anyone around them the conversation sounded like a bunch of nonsense, but to them it made enough sense to be able to continue it out loud.

"Yeah drawn out will just lead to unnecessary things."

Jongin nodded as their food arrived and they began eating - conversation ceasing.

Jongin was surprised by the fact that the meeting had actually moved along quickly while they were gone. Their managers pulled them into an empty meeting room and provided them with a copy of the statement SM would be releasing.

"Told you we would figure something out. Mr Soo Man has already approved this announcement message but go over it together and then write up a letter of your own to be released with the statement."

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