Chapter 37

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A few months later

"Wake up buttercup,"



As I attempted to ignore the annoying voice telling me to wake up, a foot was placed on my behind and I tumbled to the floor like jenga. Groaning I slowly opened my eyes, still on the ground.

"Really Damon?" I snapped, yawning and slowly crawling back onto the bed. As soon as I am back on the soft matress in Damons room, I attempt to fall back into slumber. Just as I drift, my two arms get pinned above my head, and I'm interrupted once again.

"Good Morning . . ." Damon whispers quietly in my ear, I hum in response enjoying the position. Damons hovering over me as i lay on my back, he begins to place soft kisses on my jaw-line lowering towards my neck.

"Happy-" he said between kisses, "-Birthday." He finished. I smirked, "Thanks Damon, but i'm dead." I giggled. He shrugged, "Still your b-day babe."

My hands made their way into his chocolate brown hair, as I tugged on the strands lightly. "Sure, whatever..." I muttered, I could care less about my birthday, all I wanted was to kiss Damon.

Being a tease, he slowly lowered till he was at the brim of my tanktop. Damon looked up to me, asking for permission in a way. I nodded, before lifting myself and smashing my lips onto his.

I wish I could explain how much I love kissing Damon

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I wish I could explain how much I love kissing Damon. It sounds silly, but I'm serious, my whole body tingles all over.

Hungrily, he grabbed the hem of my tanktop, lifting it to my stomach. He started placing kisses up my bare stomach, lifting the top as he went.

Carefully, he brought the tank above my head, and just as expected it got stuck in my knotty hair.

Giggling I sit there with my hands and head tangled in the bundled up tank top. "I think that's a sign..." I said, finally getting the tank off my head. I was referring to the deed, Damon and I haven't exactly been that intimate and I don't know if I am ready just yet.

"When ever you're ready, I'm ready." Damon said, smiling before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I nodded, bringing my lips to his and bringing my hands around his neck, "I love you!" I peeped, nibbling on his ear playfully.

He rubbed up and down my back touching my black bra strap sending chills down my body, "I love you too, but Mackenzie?" He asked before growling, showing his fangs & slamming me against the matress, bowing his head to my ear.

"Yes?" I squeaked, clearly not in control of the situation. His hot breath fanned over my ear, "Please put a shirt on. . ." He said, before grinding into me, ". . . Or I am going to have to take you right here right now." He finished, his voice low and seductive.

"O-okay!" I peeped, as he watched my reaction before giving a smug grin. Just as we were about to seal it with a kiss the front door opened.

"That's our cue," I said, hopping off the bed and putting the tanktop over my head. Damon followed and wrapped his arms around my waist, "Go see what Elena found now," Damon said, pecking my lips and going to the shower.

Smiling, I skipped down stairs to hear where Stefan is now. For the last few months, Damon and I have been tracking Klaus and Stefan. We haven't told Elena, but she keeps giving us information.

"Birthday girl!" I greeted, bringing her into a strong embrace. I remember how important our birthday used to be when mom and dad were around. We began making our way to the kitchen.

"Hey it's your birthday too!" She included, I opened the fridge grabbing a blood bag, "I'm dead." I laughed as I brought the blood to my lips. Elena frowned, "Well on the bright side, Sheriff Forbes gave us another location to check." She said flipping out a piece of paper.

"Where is he now?" I sarcastically said, rolling my eyes. "Memphis." She quickly said, crossing her arms. Frowning I tilted my head, "Anothed dead end, Elena."

Finishing my breakfast I threw it in the closest trash, I want to try blood from vein again... I mean I could just quickly have a taste, then erase his memory! Nobody would know, and I wou-

"Mackenzie!" Elena yelled snapping in front of my face. I jumped out of my thoughts, "Yeah yeah, it could be him after two months! Just give up Elena!" I said, quickly getting in her face. My body towered over her, as if I was the predator stalking its prey. Gosh Elena can be such a little snotty b-

"Everything okay down here? Do I need to get the wrestling belt?" Damon teased punching the air. Laughing I shook my head, "No Elena and I werrree just wishing eachother happy birthday." I made up, smiling. Elena nodded, "Yeah and about that, there's a party tonight, here..." She muttered and left without a goodbye.

Damon shrugged before grabbing a blood bag, "Well were going to Memphis I hear!" He joked. Groaning I shook my head, "Fine, but I have a question. Do you have a curling iron I can borrow?" I frowned, pointing at my tangled hair.

Damon chuckled, "Yeah, Katherine left one in the bathroom." He said, pointing to the upstairs. Gross I have to share the same curling iron as Katherine Pierce? I hope I don't get lice!


"Where even are we?" I asked, pulling my curl so it bounced. Alaric looked at his map before throwing it out the window, "We are... Here." He chuckled referring to the country looking house on the left. Here we are the next ripper trail. I never thought Stefan could kill so many people, but I was proven wrong, by all the desd bodies up and down the states. We exited the car, approaching the cute, little house. Which most likey isn't too cute inside. The door was unlocked, and opened right away. Damon and I attempted to walk in and succeeded.

"Woah..." I whispered, looking at the walls, blood covered them. This looked like a scary movie, no lie. As we got to the next room, a gasp left my lips. Two dead girls sit on the couch, blood surrounding them. Veins under my eyes appeared and my fangs lashed out. Without thinking I sped toward the body, about to drink the remaining blood. I just about had my teeth sunk in the neck when I was slammed against the wall falling with a loud 'thump'.

Quickly standing up I came face to face with Damon. "I'm so sorry, I couldn't help it!" I whimpered, burying my hands in my face. He came towards me, "Go sit in the car, we will be out soon." He said slightly smiling. I walked out of the house heading to the car.

I lied.

I did mean it.

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