Chapter 4

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Elena and I sat on the couch, I awkwardly played with strands of my chocolate brown hair, debating how I'm going to give her the news.  "So, there is something I need to tell you..." I slowly said, taking a deep breath.

"What is it? Why did we leave the party so early?" Elena asked, squinting her eyes.

There really is no good way for this to come out is there.  "I am gonna just say it because there is no other way to. I just now discovered that Stefan, and Damon, are vampires."

"Mackenzie, this isn't funny." She scoffed.

"Elena! I'm not kidding." I whispered, no signs of me joking at all.

She rolled her eyes before studying me, I showed no humor, my face 100% serious.

She then started looking pretty scared, probably because I looked like I was going to crap myself as well.  She ran upstairs and slammed her door.  What did I do wrong?

I ran upstairs and went into her room, she was just standing there, staring at Stefan, who came in through her window, assuming.

"Elena, please." Stefan said with tears in his eyes, clearly Elena and him were still fighting.

"No, leave, if you mean me no harm, go." She replied with horrified eyes, her body stiff.

Stefan then gave one last glance and left through the window.

I sighed. "Elena, I know this is a lot, but he is still Stefan, you know you can't tell anyone." I pleaded.

"I won't tell anyone, but I need time away from him! Don't you?" Elena yelled with wide eyes.

"I won't tell anyone, but I need time away from him!  Don't you?" Elena yelled with wide eyes

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"I don't know Elena, I need to go take a shower and think, goodnight." I said with a frown.

I walked to my room shutting the door, as I turned my whole body jumped and I almost screamed, but a hand was put over my mouth.  Stefan put a finger to his lips indicating to be quiet and put his hand down.

"Stefan, you scared me." I whispered, glaring at him.

"Sorry, I just needed to see if you were alright.." He asked looking at the ground.

"I'm alright, but are you?" I questioned.

"I just hope she will be able to-- forgive me." He said putting his hands through his hair.

"She will, Stefan, trust me."

I walked up to him, his emerald green eyes staring right at me.  I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a hug, consoling him.  After a few seconds he softened up and returned the hug.

My heart raced, I knew he heard it too, which was the worst part

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My heart raced, I knew he heard it too, which was the worst part.  I felt sparks and I didn't care if he was a vampire.  Heck I wouldn't care if he was a werewolf.  He healed my bite marks, and I feel there is no way to be scared of him.  He seems, well, harmless... Its like I had an instinct that he would always protect me, and never bring me any harm.

I pulled away, and smiled at him.  Everytime I looked at him, I seemed to stare at those lips...

"Kenzie, I want you to have this." He said pulling out a necklace from his jean pocket.

It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

"It's... beautiful." I said staring at the beautiful necklace.

"Can you?" I asked, he nodded and I lifted my hair up allowing him to put on the necklace.

"What's in this? Rose?" I asked.

"No, its vervain, it keeps vampires from compelling you, like how Damon did to you." He said looking down with guilt. Why was he so guilty, it wasn't his fault.

"Stefan, none of this is your fault. Its Damon, he is the cause of all this.  He bit me, he made me kiss him.  Its him!  Not you!" I said holding his shoulder.

"I know, I just wish I could have protected you better." He said smiling at me. I wanted to kiss him so bad. Shit, Kenzie shush. Hes with Elena, or was with Elena. 

"So, I think I should teach you more about vampires." He said smirking.  I nodded and we talked all night.


I woke up to my annoying alarm, resulting in me chucking my clock across the room and shattering it. "Oops." I muttered.

Getting out of bed, I put on a coral crop top, and ripped blue-jean shorts.  I plopped on my bed, and decided to get Elena and Stefan to talk, they agreed to meet at the grill.

The whole day was talking about vampires and getting Elena used to Stefan.  I know she will forgive him, and not be so distant after she learns about him more.


( half of this chapter deleted, blame the Wattpad gods 😢 )

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