Chapter 7

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I woke up to the birds chirping and the wind slipping in through the open window.  I slowly opened my eyes yawning, remembering my surroundings.  I got up and walked to the bathroom, brushed my hair out, and put it up in a high ponytail.

Putting on clothes I walked downstairs, I didnt know if anyone was here so I quietly tiptoed through the living room.  I peeked through the kitchen, Damon was filling a glass with blood, I sighed and walked up to him.

"Hi," I said sitting at the table.

"Hey, you sleep okay?" He asked. Okay what? He's asking me how I slept.

"Yes, fine thank you." I slowly said, slightly confused at his new demeanor.

We were silent for a moment, while I just watched him chug his daily glass of blood.

"So what are your plans for tonight?" I blurted playfully hitting his shoulder.

"Going to find a way to open a tomb and get my long lost girlfriend out of it, with the help of Stefan and Elena." He smirked.

"Oh Katherine right? The manipulated, impulsive, selfish bitch?" I rose my eyebrows. The jealously deep in my body caused that jab to splurge out, whoops.

He was in my face within a millisecond, his face inches from mine. I could feel his warm breath on my frigid skin.

"Want to repeat that?" He said slowly in my ear causing shivers to travel down my spine.

"I mean if you want?" I grinned and twirled a strand of hair biting my lip. He needs to see confidence, or else he will think I'm weak. He can't know that.

He groaned, then backed away and growled under his breath

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He groaned, then backed away and growled under his breath. Ooo I would be lying if I said it didn't turn me on.

I tilted my head innocently, then bit my lip again.  His reaction was priceless, he really was affected by it.

He squinted his eyes and shook his head with a smile of defeat. I pushed him away slightly.  Good to know I found his weak spot.

"I'm leaving, going to Grill. Goodluck on getting your girlfriend hun." I provoked, walking out the door.


I went home first to change, I put on a red and white short dress, a jean jacket and heels.  Then walked downstairs and went into the kitchen.  "Hey Jenna, I'm going to the grill, bye!" I announced and walked away.


I walked inside Mystic Grill looking for familiar faces, luckily I found Bonnie at a booth in the back, I waved and started walking to her.

"Hey Bon," I said sitting down across from her.

"Hey Kenz, how are ya?" She asked grinning ear to ear.

"I'm good, how about you Ms im-so-happy-im-about-to-shit-my-pants."

She laughed, "Welll, I have a date tonight. With Ben, a guy that went to our school."

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