Chapter 42

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"K-Klaus." I stuttered, gulping and swallowling down all my confidence. Stefan stood beside him, quickly averting his eyes to the floor when i looked up.

Thinking this was the only chance i had, i attempted to speed behind them through the apartment doors.

Bad idea.

I was too slow, my whole body ran into a much stronger one, Klaus.

I was slammed back into the apartment, my fragile body colliding with the ground. I quickly looked up to see Klaus glaring down on me.

One word, frozen. I couldn't move from the exact spot i sat, fearing one move and my neck would be snapped. Two sets of glares were burning into me like fire, and there was nothing i could do about it.

Well, that idea was a total blow.

I quickly recovered, shaking myself off and standing up to face what i just attempted.

For some odd weird reason I felt like I betrayed Klaus, and went against what he said.  He gave me a chance to back off and here I am.

"Where's Damon?" Klaus snapped, roughly searching the apartment knocking over furniture. I shrugged, tapping my foot anxiously hoping he wouldn't find Elena.

As a human, i fear he would harm her, and i can't let that happen. Stefan stood quiet, quickly glanced at me then walked toward the secret door.

"I'll check in here." Stefan bluntly said, opening the door where Elena was. Please don't rat us out Stefan i said internally. Whose side is he really on, this is how it will be decided.

His head turned right in the room, meaning he spotted her. No emotion showed in his eyes, but then he spoke.

"Look what i found."

No no no no, he did not just do that.

Klaus approached the secret doorway, and Stefan pulled out a wine.

A huge weight lifted off my shoulders and i faintly smiled. Klaus smirked taking the wine bottle, "Nice brutha," he said reading the label.

His eyes turned to fixate on me, and i awkwardly smiled wondering what was to be done to me.

"Why wouldn't you cherish me sparing your life, instead of coming right back?" Klaus questioned tilting his head before slowly raising his arm with the wine bottle. All in slow motion, the wine bottle left his hand directed at me and came whirling at my skull.

Everything went black and i drifted becoming unconsious.


When my eyes reopened i sensed i was being carried. I figeted to get out of their arms but his or her grip just tightened, and when i say tightened i mean squeezing the air out of me tightened.

I rotated my body looking up to see Klaus smiling down on me, his dimples visible even as we walked through the dark streets.

"Welcome back, love." He greeted, as he continued to carry me. I just need to get out of his filthy arms, he threw a wine bottle at my head! Who does that?

"Hey, can you put me down?" i croaked, my voice coming out as a squeak. Klaus' eyebrows rose, "Sure thing." He surprisingly said, removing his arms from my legs and setting me down. I balanced on my feet, wobbling slightly, and we continued to walk making our way up to a bar.

Why did i decide to wear heels? My feet were killing me, thank god we were here.

Stefan swung the door open to the bar, holding it open allowing me to walk in and look around. It was a normal looking bar, i honestly have no clue why they decided to come here.

We sat at the bar, i took my chance to sit next to Stefan on the opposite side of Klaus. They started talking about their "past", which i was totally clueless about.

I have the worst headache and honestly just want Damon to come to the rescue. I wonder if Elena and him know where i am?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when an arm snaked around my waist, causing me to flinch. "Want a drink, love?" Klaus slurred, clearly a little tipsy from having a few drinks.

I shook my head quickly, and tried to stay as calm as i could as his arm began rubbing up and down my back.

Never have i ever felt so trapped in my life, and Stefan was just letting Klaus make me feel this uncomfortable.

I need to get out of here fast.

Stefan glanced at the doorway, "I need another drink. A real one." He announced, then left, leaving me alone with Klaus.

Klaus took Stefans spot, "Why did you come running back to me, love?" He asked, his british accent dripping from his voice. I groaned, kicking my heels off and running my hand through my hair. Klaus would act cocky and say i came back for him, obviously i came back for Stefan.

The bartender handed Klaus another drink, but i snatched it, bringing it to my lips. Within seconds, the glass was empty, that was much needed. "Bloody hell," Klaus said chuckling, what girls can't gulp drinks down?

Five minutes later i have already consumed a tray of shots and was finally relaxed. Klaus' arm was still bothering me but after a few drinks, wasn't as bad. "More!!" I screamed, demanding more shots to come my way.

"Easy love," Klaus said, once again rubbing my back. I harshly bit my lip, trying my best to control my anger. If he doesnt take his hand off me in two seconds i swea-

"Mind taking your hand off my girl?" A voice snapped from behind me.


I swatted Klaus' hand from my back and literally jumped on Damon wrapping my legs around his torso and arms around his neck. "You saved me, my hero!!" I giggled, leaving sloppy kisses all over his beautiful face. Damon smirked, setting me down surprisingly.

"Somebody had a few drinks!" Damon teased, I laughed shrugging and he sat next to Klaus. Everything came into place at that moment, Stefan left to go 'get a drink' and Damon is distracting Klaus so Elena can get Stefan to come back with us.

"I see they have opened the doors to the riff raff now." Klaus said to Damon. Damon laughed, "Oh honey I have been called worse." Damon replied, this time Klaus laughing. I rested my head on Damons shoulder, this is gonna be a long night.

"You never give up, do you Damon?" Klaus questioned, clearly annoyed at our attempts to getting Stefan back. What did he expect, us to just watch Ripper Stefan get worse and worse?

"Give me my brother back, you'll never see me again." Damon said grinning, his cockiness shining off of him.

Klaus sighed, "You see, I promised Stefan i wouldn't harm you but how many freebies did i really sign up for, hm?" He softly said, he was getting annoyed and we all knew Klaus had a short temper.

Before i knew it Klaus had Damon by his neck and in the air. "I'm a little boozy, so you'll forgive me if i miss your heart the first few tries." Klaus whispered, as he began stabbing Damon with a cocktail umbrella pick.

I gasped, running up to Klaus and pushing him roughly off of Damon. "Leave him alone Klaus!" I screamed, as Damon fell to the ground.

Klaus growled under his breath, I have never been so scared in my life after hearing that.

Klaus laughed at my sudden fear of him, my shaking body was quite visible. Slowly he walked up to me, my body staying completely and utterly still. Soon our faces were inches apart, i loudly gulped.

"Don't come running back to me again sweetheart," he teased, then his hands made their way around my neck. All that was heard was a snap, and all i could see was black, once again. Great.

Poor Mackenzie

Hey guys, all your love and support is honestly amazing and has got me to write again :) Summer is near and you guys know what that means? So many more updates!!! I have had soccer and school cramming my week and i know that's no excuse but it is what it is. Next month, updates will be coming left and right, i promise. :) like always comment my grammar mistakes!!

Love you all,
Madison :) xoxo

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