Chapter 8

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My eyes fluttered opened, I was in a hotel room.

I looked to my right to see Elena passed out, & a man was in front of me passed out in a chair. I slowly got up and tiptoed toward the door, maybe I could get help. I put my foot over the mans stretched out leg and tiptoed toward the door and kept looking back to see if he was still asleep. I undid the lock.

"I wouldn't," I heard the man say behind me.

I gasped and turned around, he had me pinned against the door.

He stared into my eyes.

"Don't try to escape, don't even move, do you understand?" He said trying to compel me.

"I understand," I said in a robotic tone pretending to be compelled.

As soon as he walked away, I opened the door as fast as possible.

I was stopped by the Anna chick, great timing!

"Seriously!" She yelled at the man.

"I did the eye thing you taught me!" He yelled back at Anna.

"She has vervain on her, she dates a vampire Ben, duh!" Anna said. "I'm not dating anyone," I seethed, glaring at the girl.

She rolled her eyes and I was thrown into the bathroom.  Turning around I glanced at the tub.  Bonnie was laying, passed out.  I turned the water on, and got a rag and wetted it.  I ran to Bonnie and put the rag to her forehead.

"Bonnie" I whispered.

Her eyes opened, "Ben, he's a vampire, he took me." She said panicking.

"I know," I nodded putting my hand to my ear, indicating he could hear us.

After sitting there, Ben came in and pushed us out, we sat on the near bed and Elena was on the other one.

"Don't let them try to escape again," Anna glared walking out the door.

Where was Stefan, wouldn't he come to the rescue?

We sat there just waiting for something to happen.

"Hey Bonnie, witches can die right?" Ben suddenly spoke to Bonnie smirking.

"Yes, we can die." Bonnie said emotionlessly.

"Is there anything to drink here?" I asked, changing the subject, glaring at Ben.

"Are you offering?" Ben creepily smiled standing up and prowling toward me.

I backed up against the bed railings, shaking my head with disgust.

"There's water on the nightstand." He snapped, walking back to his seat.

I cautiously took the water and sipped it.

"Can I have some?" Elena asked.

"Me too," Bonnie said.

I was confused why, but I went along with it and handed Elena the water.

She sipped it and handed the rest to Bonnie.

Bonnie took the water and splashed it on Ben, then whispered a spell and all of a sudden Ben was on fire.

Ben screeched in pain and I ran to the door while Elena and Bonnie were already out.

I wasn't fast enough because Ben grabbed me by my hair, pulling me against his chest.

"Get back in here, or I kill her." Ben threatened stroking my neck, goosebumps appearing on my skin.

Elena and Bonnie slowly walked back into the hotel and he let me go.


I sat at Mystic Grills bar drinking bourbon, I mean sure I did care that Kenzie was kidnapped by a vampire, but I couldn't let Stefan have his way.

After ten minutes of thinking - and drinking - I went to meet Anna and work to open the tomb.


Its been an hour, and nothing has happened, I still don't know why I am even here.

I looked up at Elena who was playing with her hair.

The door knob opened, I guess Anna was back.

Stefan bursted through the door opening the curtains.

"Go!" He yelled to us, we jumped off the bed and ran out of the hotel room.

I headed home, I was done for the day after being kidnapped, I needed a break.

I watched Netflix all day, while the others were out helping Damon open the 'tomb'.  I didn't want to be apart of that, despite everything he's done to me or even helped me.  I need a break.

(The rest of the episode is where Grams and Bonnie open the tomb and Katherine is not in there. Mackenzie just didn't get involved with it.)

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