Chapter Eight

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I eluded myself from taking any of her insults personally. I was not new to all this. But today somewhat deep inside it was stinging. Her insults and mostly the topic of my mate that she decided to bring up, was causing me pain. She knew how to cut deep with her words, even in the state of her unawareness she was scrapping a part which I tried to bury deep inside. I couldn't blame her nor could I stop the pain she was causing. It wasn't actually her who was hurting me. I wouldn't have been surprised if it was her but sadly it was not.

It was my mate.

It was him who was causing me pain through his actions.

"Where do you think you are going!?" Stacy shouted, breaking my trance of thoughts.

I looked at her. She was standing in her previous position but her grip around the glass had tightened.

"You should start counting backwards. Your stay in this pack will soon come to an end. And the time starts now." Stacy said, her red painted lips twitching to form an ominous smirk.

"Will you just stop talking big?" I finally said and narrowed my eyes at her.

I was used to all this.

Her smile widened. "You'll soon regret that."

"I've heard that so many times that I lost count," I stated calmly. I wondered why her theory of 'I-hate-you-but-I-won't-tell-you-why' never ended. It was getting unbearably annoying and difficult for me to tolerate.

She sipped from her cup, the smirk on her lips never left for a second.

I knew she was up to something. Her actions were giving it all away. But I couldn't grasp the idea of what she was actually planning to do.

Something is wrong. - My wolf commented.

What's going on?

I can sense something wrong. Something evil.

What is it?

It's -



There was a sound of something falling on the floor. The sound of shattered glass echoing through, hurting my ears.

I turned my gaze towards Stacy to see her lying on the floor. I rushed up to her. Her face was pale, all the colour drained out. Her red-painted lips had a little faded silver shade on it.

What the hell is going on? She was absolutely fine a minute ago.

I gasped as I noticed the colour of her skin draining out to form a metal shade. My gaze shifted at the shattered glass on the floor to see the red drink changing its colour to a darker shade.

What's happening? - I asked my wolf.

This can't be happening! Her drink contained aconitum in it.

What's that?

In other words, Wolfsbane.

That could not be possible. Wolfsbane was a herbal poison made to kill dangerous abandoned wolves who threatened to kill our own species. It was first invented by the eldest son of the moon goddess who was held captive by some abandoned wolves, in other word Rogues. Those were none but his own companions who betrayed him. They were his companions who were plotting his murder behind his back. In the book of Myths, it was written that the Moon goddess's first son turned into a werewolf because of a witch's curse on his sixteenth birthday. He had special powers in his genes. He could foretell and was one of the most powerful wolves of that time.

A curse placed by a witch was all it took for the birth of us, the werewolf species. Thousands of centuries ago, in ancient times, there were no living creatures called werewolves.

There were humans and some magical creatures with extraordinary power called witches. It was one day when a human village was cursed by a witch. Ophelia, the moon goddess used to live there along with her husband and their newborn baby. On her son's sixteenth birthday, something unusual happened in the village. Her son, Romero was the first one to ever shift into a full-fledged creature. And followed with him everyone else in the village transformed into werewolves as well, except Ophelia and her husband.

Romero was the very first Alpha of the werewolves. From that particular village, the birth of werewolves took place. After her death, Ophelia was known as the moon goddess because her soul was extraordinary which has probably been the reason why she didn't shift. It didn't take long for the werewolf world to grow. And after a decade, different creatures were discovered along with the werewolves. The birth of shapeshifters and hunters were soon recognised after that.

A few years later war was declared. Romero was the first victim whose death was being plotted by every single supernatural creature out there. Even a few members of his own pack turned against him. After finding out their intentions, Romero banished them from the pack.

Many incidents occurred after that and Romero found himself having dreams about what was to come. He was in the jungle when he was attacked by his own banished pack members. In order to save himself, he produced a poisonous herbal potion and named it wolfsbane.

Wolfsbane was made for a good purpose but was abolished after Romero's grandchildren declared peace. And now thousands of years later wolfbane was produced again and here I was witnessing the disaster caused by it.

Stacy was simply not the type to make wolfsbane and inject her own self just for the sake of throwing me out. She loved herself more than she hated me, and I knew for sure she would not take such a severe step of hurting herself just to prove her hatred for me.

Someone send the pack healer right now! - I mind linked.

Where? - A pack member responded.

Near the entrance of the pack house. Fast!

"What did you do to her?" Andrew appeared and rushed towards his mate who was lying unconscious on the floor.


"What did you fucking do to her!?" He shouted, "How could you?"

"I didn't do-"

"Don't fucking lie to me." He screamed suddenly appearing in front of me in a blink of an eye.

"I knew you hated her but I never thought you would try to kill my mate. You fucking tried to kill my mate. My own fucking sister tried to kill my mate." His voice blared as he repeated those sentences.

"How long does it take for the pack healer to arrive?" He shouted turning away from me.

"I'm sorry." The pack healer arrived. She gasped looking at Stacy.

"Take her to the healing room. She's been injected with wolfsbane."

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