Chapter Twenty-Five

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An inevitable term with the power of turning one's life upside down, like the broken branches of an evergreen forest struck by a tornado. But what if all wrongs were happening to someone innocent. What would it be categorised as if that particular person never did any wrong yet all iniquitous things were happening to them. A cruel truth, indeed.

Something familiar to that occurred here in the unawareness of us all. Like a betrayer in the dark crawling, it's way to the centre, in the hope of success in betraying others. We didn't know what was going on. No clue was there for us which we could hold onto for future investigation. All we had were broken pieces of data from some ends we couldn't piece together to complete the mystery.

The recent topic of pack members missing from the pack area caused chaos all around. It was unexpected for us especially after we tightened up our security system.
At first, it was considered as a ruckus, the monopoly of the Alpha Luke, as everyone thought of it but then again how could it be so? Alpha Luke was himself out of reach.

"Can we come in?" Neil asked opening the door.

Maybe it was me who was giving too much thought about all these. But the question still remained there, unanswered.

"Yes, Beta Neil. I hope you brought Alina as well." The doctor said as he ushered us inside.

"Yes. She is right behind me." Neil said moving away from in front of me.

"Hello there, Alina. I hope you've been well." Doctor Ron greeted as he placed some gloves on a tray placed on top the counter.

The medical room still remained the same as it was three years ago. I remember walking in here for a tour all around hosted by Luke himself when I first enrolled as an official member, over here in the Red Blood pack. The room itself was sounded by an awful aura, silence which to me seemed threatening as always.

My gaze shifted towards the corner to see a pile of herbs stacked in.

"Yes. I wonder what business a doctor can have with a pile of herbs?" I asked raising an eyebrow as I walked inside along with Neil.

"Ah, sharp eyes as always." He chuckled, sarcastically. "It's for some research."

"I see. Anyway, is there any specific reason behind your sudden call?" I asked, curiously.

"Yes. You are well required here since you do have a lot of knowledge about banned items." He smiled, a genuine one although a hint of mockery in his voice could be sensed.

I opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted by Neil. "What do you mean?"

"Pardon, but I don't think your name is Alina, Beta Neil." He taunted.

"Can you just get straight to the point?" Neil confined.

"Ah, you're very impatient, Beta Neil." He laughed, "And Alina, I am sorry, I hope you didn't get offended. I was kidding but then again about the banned thing well you do have sufficient knowledge about the werewolf myths and all. It would be easier to make you understand since Beta Neil over there is acting like a child and not allowing me to explain."

My gaze darted off to see Neil standing there fumingly glaring at Doctor Ron. "I'm not a kid. And you're just not being able to explain." Neil huffed.

A smile crept up my lips as I shook my head, "What did you want to say?"

"Yes, about the dead body you brought in here last week, I found two interesting facts, well three actually." He smirked.

"Interesting facts?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Before that," He paused, "I would like to show you guys the bullet. Beta Neil, please close the door behind you."

Neil obliged to his instruction and closed the door with a slam. The sound causing a harder effect filling the silence preoccupied atmosphere.

Ron walked up to one of the counters where a small glass platter was placed. He picked something up and made his way back to his previous standing position, in front of us.

"Here is the bullet." He said and placed it on my palm —a silver-coloured bullet with a pointy head.

"What if someone hears us?" I frowned when suddenly the thought strummed from deep within.

Neil and Ron both chuckled, Neil, answered, "No, silly, they can't, no one can. The room is soundproof."

"Okay," I mumbled, blood rushing up to my cheeks as the embarrassment of asking something stupid laid beneath.

"The bullet you see is not an ordinary silver bullet. The one who made it is quite aware of how to make silver bullets which were used during the war to attack Romero. The description given about the bullets made back then in the Book of Myths completely fits the bullet you are holding right now."

"As expected." Neil stated, "What can you expect? The one who made that bullet needs to be aware or else how would he construct such a thing?"

He placed his palm in front of me, "Can you hand me the bullet?"

"Sure," I placed the bullet and he started to inspect it.

"So, what's the interesting fact here?" He interrogated.

"Don't assume and get so bored out easily. I have a few surprising news for you. I just hope you both won't freak out which you will, I know." Ron smirked.

"Alright! Let's cut the suspense and get straight to the point. What is it?" I requested, looking at Ron.

Ron sighed and nodded his head, "Firstly, the bullet you see is made out of a special silver which works as a tranquillizer if dipped in a potion. The fighter who was killed was injected tranquiliser—"

"–Tranquiliser?" Neil yelled, "Are you kidding me? If he was injected with tranquiliser then how did he die?"

"Can you stop interrupting me every time I start to explain? I was not done explaining yet, you know," Ron narrowed his eyes, "Anyway, I never said the bullet that pierced him was the medium through which he was injected tranquiliser. He was injected as in injected with an injection."

"Right." Neil commented solemnly, "What's next?"

"He would have had faced death anyway, what I mean is, even without the bullet he would have died. I found poison inside his stomach." He explained, "You wouldn't believe how shocked I was after finding that out."

"Poisoned? Are you serious?" I loured, my eyes widened as I stared at him.

"How— I—How can that be possible? By any chance," Neil shuddered, "Do you think there is a possibility of a pack member behind all these?"

"Unfortunately, I guess so."


And no James today as well 😫😓 James! Where did you run off to? *looks around.*

*James suddenly appears* "Oh please, you're the one who is cutting me off."

Fine! I'll bring you back soon!


I hope you like this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment if you do.

Thanks for reading.

Till next time—

–peace out–

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