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Decided to post a chapter in honor of Zach's birthday. I love you so much Zay, I hope 19 treats you well. I won't be doing this all the time because I strictly only post on Tuesday's so I hope you enjoy and your welcome for the fast update ;)

This was definitely not Jack's room.

Zach was so surprised and confused he couldn't even move.

'Who in the world decorated this room to look like a daycare!?' Zach questioned in his head.

The real question was, why in the world would someone decorate the room to look like a daycare. Zach didn't understand this at all. He had so many questions and needed so many answers.

'Did they so happen to have a guest room so they turned it into a baby's room? Were they moving and decided to be generous and decorate a kid's room for them? Was Sydnie, Ava, or even Jack's mom having a child!?'

Okay, the last one was ridiculous but Zach was mentally freaking out. Even though the boy knew that he probably shouldn't be in here, inquisitiveness got the best of the brunette. He stepped more inside of the room, the carpeted floor instantly cuddling into Zach's bare feet. Zach walked over to the small but wide baby crib in the corner. It had fluffy white pillows, a cloak with animals on it, and there was an adorable panda plushie that the small infant could lye on.

Zach smiled at the cute decorations in the room and for some weird reason, he felt warm. Not the kinda warm where he was embarrassed or angry like he usually was but the warm where he felt like he was complete. It was the warmth he wanted forever, the contentment he wished for. Just by standing in a room where baby items were scattered everywhere, he felt calm for the first time in forever.

Zach stood up straight from his leaning position over the crib and walked over to the white cupboard a few inches away. He sat on the ground and opened the little drawer. It wasn't much inside except for swaddles, extra blankets, baby wipes, diapers, and bibs. Zach was just about to close the drawer and actually find Jack's room until he caught sight of a piece of paper tucked in between the blankets slothfully. He took the folded paper in his hands and hesitated to open it. He knew he shouldn't be doing this, he knew he shouldn't be looking through people's stuff (especially a baby's), and he knew he shouldn't even be in this room. The temptation to open the folded paper was frankly relentless for the boy.

'Fuck it.'

The boy unfolded the piece of paper, unfortunately not having enough time to examine the certificate.

"What are you doing in here!?" Zach jolted up at the harsh cry, quickly hiding the sheet behind him and tucked it in his waistband.

"N-Nothing!" Zach responded immediately, slightly intimidated by Jack's fierce stare. Jack took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

'Yup, I'm dead.'

"Get out."


"Get out!" Jack repeated sharply, his anger slowly rising back up.

Zach promptly got off of the floor and flew when he passed Jack so he wouldn't be able to hit him. Jack let out a depleted sigh and walked over to the drawer that Zach left open before he found him prying inside of it.

 𝔸𝕔𝕔𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕥- Jachary AU🍼(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now