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September 22, 2018

"Danny it hurts! I can't do it anymore!" Jack cried, clutching his stomach as he leaned over the toilet.

"It's okay Jack, Jonah said you'll be getting morning sickness every once in a while." Daniel comforted, patting Jack's back as he vomited for the 5th time today.

Jack was feeling really stressed for the past week and he didn't know how to handle it. He asked his mom for advice since she got pregnant four times but all she said was that it was best for Jack to drink as much water as he can and rest when he feels lightheaded or sore. He's been doing exactly that but it didn't help the constant vomiting.

"I don't wanna have this baby anymore." Jack whimpered as he flushed the toilet and stood on his feet with the help of Daniel.

"Don't say that, I promise it'll all be worth it in the end. You'll love this baby with all your heart and there will be plenty others that will too." Daniel replied, grabbing Jack's toothbrush and wetting it before putting toothpaste on it.

He lifted the brush in front of Jack's mouth, waiting for him to open his eyes and look up. When the blonde noticed he opened his mouth and let the ombre do all of the work. As soon as Daniel finished cleaning up Jack's thin retch he told Jack to lye down and the boy obeyed without a bitter remark.

"Do you need anything?" the ombre asked. Jack shook his head as he turned on his side, too weary to speak. Daniel left the room quietly, walking downstairs to prepare himself and the rest of the house something to eat.

"How is he!?" all of the girls asked as they piled up in the kitchen after Daniel, damn near making the ombre's soul jump out of his body.

"Jesus, he's fine you crazy women! He just needs to rest and whenever he feels like it, he'll come downstairs and try to eat something without vomiting it up 5 seconds later." Daniel replied, still stunned from the sudden outbursts from the ladies in the house. He understood why they were so antsy though. Jack didn't let any of them check up on him or help him, it stung them a little but they respected Jack's space.

He only wanted Daniel to aid him and it made sense. Daniel has been looking out for Jack ever since he took his first steps. Daniel taught the blonde everything he knows, stuff he'll actually need in life.

The ombre settled on making Chicken Alfredo for everyone because it was quick, easy to make, and no one could resist it. The blue-eyed boy grabbed all the ingredients and tools he needed and started preparing the meal. By the time he was starting to set up the table he heard his phone ringing. The boy walked to the other side of the kitchen and saw it was Corbyn. The two haven't talked in a couple of days so Daniel was definitely eager to see his boyfriend.

"Hey baby." Corbyn said, a big smile plastered on his face when he saw the ombre's.

"Hi Bean."

"We're hanging out today and I'm not taking no for an answer."

"Bean I can't, Jack still isn't feeling well." Daniel disconsolately mumbled. He wanted to hang out with Corbyn so bad but Jack needed him, he couldn't just leave like that.

"Fine I guess you leave me no choice." Corbyn smirked on the screen.

"What do you-" Daniel started but was stopped when he heard a knock on the door. He practically sprinted to the entrance and opened it to reveal Corbyn on the other side.

 𝔸𝕔𝕔𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕥- Jachary AU🍼(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now