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"For the last time Jack, I don't know where he is." Ava sighed towards her older brother, irritation sketched on her face since Jack has been asking her for the umpteenth time has she seen the tall brunette. He's asked his other siblings too, as well as his mother but all he got was an 'I don't know' and/or a shrug.

Jack blew Zach's phone up as well, hoping and praying that he'd at least look at his texts or return back his calls but he got neither. The last time he saw him was when they went to the various grocery stores for different ingredients the previous store did not have and the next thing he knew he fell asleep in his mother's car and woke up in his bed because he was called down for dinner with a few guests he wasn't too familiar with but they seem close to his mother and stepfather so he just greeted them like he knew them his entire life.

But that was it, and no trace of Zach at all. He didn't bother asking anyone at the dinner table cause it might've ruined the atmosphere so he just left it to his thoughts to wonder and ate in silence, only speaking when spoken too.

The blonde sighed and gave his sister an apologetic look before heading upstairs to his room, giving up for the day. He called one more time just to be safe and as his phone rang waiting for the boy to pick up he only heard a muffled ringtone in the walls. Jack stopped in his tracks, eyebrows furrowed and turning towards the wall, or more like the door, to the storage closet. He opened the door with his free hand and saw a bright glow on the floor, lighting up the dark hut.

He carefully bent down, holding his round belly for support and saw the nickname his beloved gave him on the lit up screen. His squinted eyes became widened and he took the device, leaving the room and heading to his own. After closing his bedroom door and sitting on his bed he hung up his phone while the other went to its lock screen where all his messages and miss calls were showcased.

Now he was even more worried. All this time he was trying to get ahold of Zach and the only thing he had to get in contact with him was sitting right in his palm. Jack groaned, falling on his side and curling up into a ball. He didn't know what to do now, he could text Jonah but he wouldn't know since he's all the way back in Minnesota with his family. He could try asking Kay but she spends all her time with her family, friends, and Gabbie, rarely seeing Zach as much, especially with just the two of them. He didn't know anything about Zach's family so he can't ask them if he hasn't met them.

This was all so aggravating. Why would Zach just up and leave without saying anything? He never leaves his phone anywhere, it's basically his pride and joy besides the blonde and their expecting child so he must've been in a hurry maybe? All the possible solutions Jack had thought up in his head made his brain pulse and his baby kick and punch wildly. Sighing once again, he placed his hand on his stomach.

"I'm sorry love, I know you're just as worried about him as me," he whispered, rubbing slow circles on the side of his stomach where his baby was once violating but has now calmed down at the touch. Now that he thinks about it, Zach has been kinda off lately. Sure he was still himself but something felt so... different about him to Jack, he couldn't really put a pin on it though. He grunted, pushing himself off the bed to change into some more comfortable clothes, settling for one of Zach's hoodies he left behind and just his boxers. He plopped back down on the mattress and looked up to the ceiling until his eyes fluttered clothes.

'Where are you, Zach?'

Just as he was about to doze off Zach's phone rang disruptively. Jack groaned aloud and snatched the phone into his hands, the contact on the screen showing 'Mom'. 'Maybe she knows where he is?' Jack contemplated, biting his lip nervously before giving in and answering. He put the phone up to his ear but quickly moved it away when a women started screaming into the device.

 𝔸𝕔𝕔𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕥- Jachary AU🍼(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now