
271 16 14

September 23, 2018

"Where are you going?" Jack yawned, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as Zach put his hoodie on over his head.

"I'm going home to shower," Zach replied, putting on his shoes and tying the laces.

"I want to go."

"You wanna watch me shower?" Zach smirked. Jack blushed and growled at the foolish boy.

"No, I'm just tired of sitting in the house all day! You're not even that good looking!" the blonde retorted. Zach turned around and gave Jack a doubting look, causing his cheeks to turn even redder.

"Yeah ok, you might wanna watch your mouth before I prove you wrong like I always do." the brunette says meekly, walking out of the room.

"Wait, I said I wanted to go!" Jack shouted after him but Zach already made his way downstairs.

"Asshole," Jack mumbled under his breath, throwing the covers off of himself and walked to his bathroom to get ready whether Zach wanted him to go or not.

The blonde was tired of sitting in the house, he felt a whole lot better anyway so he wanted to get some fresh air. Of course, he loved being in his warm, cozy home to chill and eat snacks all day long but sometimes he needed to get out for at least 10 minutes.

Jack did what he had to do in the bathroom and dressed in a red plaid long sleeve oversized shirt and black jeans. The boy grabbed his phone and walked downstairs to see Zach and Corbyn in the kitchen.

"You slept here?" Jack asked Corbyn. The faux blonde nodded and looked between Jack and Zach, smirking as he repeated the method.

Zach noticed, his own smirk growing, realizing what was going on inside Corbyn's head.

"What did you guys do last night? That door was closed and most likely locked." Jack almost choked on his own spit at the ridiculous topic.

"We slept." Jack answered in a 'duh' tone.

"C'mon baby, don't lie to the man. We fucked all night, you were moaning like Ohhhh Zach yessss, harderrrrrrr mmmmmm~" Zach fooled. Corbyn bursts into immense laughter and Jack nearly died from a heat stroke from how hot his face became as soon as those......noises came out of Zach's mouth.

'Fucking liar!!!'

Jack didn't say a word. He stomped to the front door and left the house, his embarrassment and hostility thrived more when Corbyn's and Zach's laughter came to be wilder and heard from outside. He sat on the porch and let out a long frustrated groan, the flush on his face slowly faded away from the wind fanning against his skin. The blonde massaged his tummy faintly, looking down at it and noticing that it slightly swelled more.

"Your father is so irksome, peach. I'm sorry that you have to deal with a crazy man like him once your brought into this world but I promise having a lunatic Dad named Zachary Dean Herron will be a blast. For you, at least. You will never understand what I have to go through in order for his entire body to get off me for 5 milliseconds." Jack sighed in vexation, chuckling at the last bit of his altercation with his beaned baby.

 𝔸𝕔𝕔𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕥- Jachary AU🍼(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now