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"Haha, I win again!" Gabbie shouted in victory, fist-bumping the air with both of her hands.

"How do you win I spy?" Kay asked in a monotone voice, not really dumbfounded by Gabbie's antics.

"Because I guessed the most things right, duh." Gabbie scoffed, rolling her eyes and giggling shortly after at her jokingly brat attitude. The other girls joined in on the short session of laughter and went back to playing the game as they lead the way up the trail of the hike. The boys were in the back staying close together so they don't leave anyone behind and walked in peaceful silence, admiring the vitality enclosing in on them.

In the distance, they could see a deer prancing around. There were a ton of birds flying above them too, singing their lovely songs. The boys were in awe at the scenery, it felt like they were in the Amazon, discovering wildlife just for the hell of it. The only difference was that the setting was covered in a gorgeous palette of orange, yellow, and red.

"Guys look!" Corbyn vigorously whispered. All of the boys turned their heads to where the faux blonde was pointing and was fascinated as well. They walked over to the small creek and looked at the large Toad in admiration. The frog was staring back at them, not making any sudden movements.

"C'mon, I wanna take a group picture." Daniel announced in an overjoyed voice.

The boys got in position and made room for the frog in the back so they wouldn't block him out of the photo. They all made funny faces, resulting in one another to laugh. Once they were finished they got up and dusted their clothes off, waving goodbye towards the croaker who was still sitting there not making a single move.

The group continued to walk up the trail and after a few minutes, they spotted the girls up ahead, sitting at the benches in the wide field of grass.

"Race ya" Corbyn chirped, instantly darting towards the benches.

"No fair!" Daniel and Zach said, putting all of their strength and energy into their legs to catch up to the faux blonde.

Jack and Jonah stayed behind, strolling at a steady pace.

"How have you been feeling lately, Jack?" Jonah asked, breaking the silence between the two.

"Huh? Oh! I've been doing fine." Jack responded sheepishly, not expecting Jonah to start a conversation. The taller brunette chuckled at the smaller boy's stuttering and changed the subject.

"Is Zach treating you well?"

"Yeah, why?" Jack asked, looking up at the brunette's face.

"I don't know, he can just get really.....what's the word?" Jonah mumbled in deep thought.

"Amorous?" Jack grinned.

"Yeah, exactly." Jonah laughed. Jack laughed as well and shook his head.

"He isn't always like that though. He wouldn't pressure anyone to do something they don't want to, that's just the kind of person he is." Jack smiled, looking over at the brunette who rolled in the grass happily. Jack was cracking up when Corbyn jumped on him, spoiling the brunette's fun, so he started to yell at the faux blonde whilst pushing him forcefully off his body, causing Corbyn to fall face-first into the grass.

 𝔸𝕔𝕔𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕥- Jachary AU🍼(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now