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November 15, 2018(Zach)

"Zach!" The brunette heard Jack yell from upstairs.

Zach immediately sprung up from his seat on the sofa and ran upstairs to Jack's room.

"What happened, are you ok!?" Zach asked as he opened the door to see Jack sitting on the bed holding his stomach. "Is the baby ok-"

"Zach, calm down! The baby and I are fine." Jack reassured.

"Then why do you look so....alarmed?"

"Just come here."

Zach walked over to the blonde and stood in front of him, looking down at him with his eyebrow arched.

"Sit." Jack instructed as he pointed to the floor.

Zach smiled and rolled his eyes, sitting in between the blonde's legs. Jack softly put Zach's hand onto his stomach and the two waited.

"So......now what?" Zach asked in an uninterested tone.

"You'll see." Jack smiled, his smile coming to be wider in a short amount of time when he saw Zach's eyes visibly light up. "Did you feel it?" the blonde giggled.

"Yeah. Does it hurt you?" the brunette asked, massaging Jack's paunch benignly when he felt another tiny kick charge against his hand.

"Nope, it just feels weird but I'll get used to it over time."

The boy's moment was ruined when they heard Zach's phone ring. Zach reached his arm out to grab it off of Jack's nightstand and saw that it was Corbyn calling him.

"He's probably calling to tell me that he and Jonah are outside." Zach sighed as he got up from the floor.

"Oh ok, have fun."

"I will, I love you."

"I love you too." the blonde said before Zach gave him a quick peck on the lips.

The brunette put on his combat boots and coat before he made his way outside of the large house and saw Jonah's car, waiting for him to hop inside.

"C'mon, I wanna get there early!" Corbyn shouted at him from the vehicle.

"If we get there early then all we're gonna be watching are previews," Zach chuckled when he made it to the backseat.

"Were you born in a cave? Previews are the best fucking part of going to the theaters, and if not that then it's the food they have." the faux blonde declared. Zach and Jonah shook their heads and let Corbyn talk their ears off just like when they were back in high school.

The trio would always go to the movies, then the arcade, and then go out to eat every weekend when they didn't have school. It was always just the three of them, being dumb and foolish high school kids living their lives to the fullest. That is until they graduated. They had to move out from living with their parents, they had to get jobs, and they had to be more responsible. Due to the process of 'adulthood', they couldn't hang out as much as they used to. But that all changed today because it was close to Thanksgiving and no one had to work, no one had responsibilities to take care of, and no one had to sit around and go through 'adulthood'.

 𝔸𝕔𝕔𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕥- Jachary AU🍼(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now