
336 23 13

September 14, 2018

"Jack.... let.... go!" Daniel clutches onto Jack tighter as the blonde tightened his grip on the door.

"N-No! I'm not going, you fucking lied to me!" Jack now starts to kick his feet which resulted in him to hit Daniel in the abdomen. The Ombre groaned aloud in pain but didn't even dare to let go of the boy.

'How did I even get myself into this situation?'

*1 hour ago*

"Wake up Jack, we're going out for breakfast." Daniel unobtrusively fibbed. In actuality, the boys were going to the infirmary. Why? It was that time of the month where Jack had to get a check-up so he would know how his baby was doing. Jack never, EVER liked going to the hospital no matter what the dilemma was. Whether he was in pain, whether it was a simple check-up, when it wasn't even him that needed to go to the hospital and he was just tagging along. He just hated hospitals, no one knew why.

That's why Daniel said that they were "going out for breakfast" because Jack would most definitely go anywhere where food was located. Daniel decided to be generous to Jack because he was pregnant and he had to treat him as such. So when they leave the hospital they'll go out to eat, for the baby's sake.

The blonde yawned and stretched his arms and legs out before he sat up and made his way to the bathroom to get ready. Daniel chuckled lowly at the boy and opened his phone to text Gabbie the news and she insisted to pick them up and take them there so Daniel wouldn't have to drive with an infuriating pregnant Jack on the way.

Daniel went downstairs with the rest of Jack's family because why not, he is gonna be staying there for the next few weeks so might as well socialize. And besides, he's been around Jack's family almost all his life and they're like a second household to him.

Daniel jumped off the last step and made his way towards the kitchen. He smelled pancakes, bacon, and eggs as he had walked closer so he suspected that Kristin was whipping something up. He knew he was right when he saw Kristin in front of the stove flipping a pancake.

"Good morning Daniel." Kristin said when she noticed Daniel walk in the room. She puts the breakfast on the table for her 3 daughters to enjoy.

"Do you want any breakfast?" she asks, getting ready to make another plate for the Ombre.

"Good morning to you too and no thank you, Jack and I are going out to eat after we leave the hospital."

"What for?" Sydnie asks after taking a bite out of her pancake.

"It's that time of month where Jack has to get a check up so we can know how the baby is functioning."

The girl nodded and proceeded to eat her breakfast. Daniel chose to just watch TV until Jack was ready since he didn't want to just stand in the middle of the kitchen like a little kid that was lost in a candy store looking for his parents.

He watched whatever was on until he felt two small hands cover his eyes.

"Guess who?" he whispered in the Ombre's ear.

"Emma Watson?" the boy joked.

"Bitch you wish." Daniel chuckled and walked to the front door as Jack walked inside of the kitchen to say hi to his family.

 𝔸𝕔𝕔𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕥- Jachary AU🍼(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now