Talented trees.

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Death breaths POV

I was fighting with a stupid steel sword. Steel. A STEEL SWORD. Do you see the problem? Let me give you another hint.
In case you didn't get it. I was using a steel sword. I'm used to my iron one, and then suddenly. Poof. I gotta practice with a sword that won't even harm enemies. What if a monster attacked now? A ton of Wizards would charge, and try to hit them with their swords, then the sword would bounce harmlessly off their skin. And boom. Kinda like people hitting you with Popsicle sticks. Like. What was that for. Anyway, we switched to throwing knives,. Most demigods don't use them, because they are a limited supply. Like with arrows, you get like 60 in a quiver. You could Cary 2 quivers if you wanted, then with throwing knives. Isn't it a brilliant idea to keep 60 knives all over you? Cuz don't worry. It wouldn't hurt if you tripped and fell. You would only get stabbed all over your body. Oh well. I was snapped out of my thoughts when a knife narrowly missed my ear. There was no one behind me, I was standing behind everyone. Then I saw Pavarotti, while trying to throw a knife, it slipping out of her hand. As she pulled her hand back to throw, causing them to go backwards. She got confused when she saw that the knife was no longer in her hand. Like. WUT.

"OH EM GEE. I AM SO SORRY NICO." She apologized. She must of came back to relearn everything after the war. Well, I guess she is still. Not getting the proper education since Bellatrix is coming. Eh, oh well. Suddenly, a knife whizzed past my nose. It was a millimeter away, if that. Then, I heard a WOOSH. SNIP. FWOOF. I looked down, and saw a glob of Nico hair in the grass. SOMEONE GAVE ME A HAIRCUT WITH A THROWING KNIFE. I turned and saw Leo whistling. That little fire breather!

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR." I yelled at him. Like. Why you do dat?

"I have no idea what you are talking about, good ol buddy of mine," he looked guilty.

"You're lucky there's people here Leo, or you would be dead." I glared at him, and he quickly turned around, threw a knife, and hit bullseye. When did he get so good at that? I must of said that out loud CUZ the next thing I heard went like this.

"Since I threw a throwing knife!" He yelled, as he continued throwing knives and hitting the center. Eh. I continued walking down the lane of people with throwing knives when I saw percy. He threw one (looking incredibly cute- uuuuh I mean um cute puppy dogs! Yeah. I got NUTIN...) and it got planted in the ground like a tree. (No? Okay...) he threw another, and it went strait. Upwards.

"SCRAMBLE!" He yelled, not wanting anyone to get hit in the head with knife. Everyone ran screaming, and soon I was the last one still there. I simply caught it with my super shadow powers.

"Thanks nico!" He yelled, picking it up, and attempting to throw it again. The only thing he was worse at was shooting a bow and arrow. Hopefully we don't have to do that to-

"CHILDREN. WE WILL NOW DO ARCHERY." I spoke to soon. I jinxed it.

"EVERYONE, GET A STANDARD 50 FEET AWAY FROM PERCY." I yelled, snickering. A few people joined along, and everyone went away from Percy. He notched an arrow, pulled back, and shot, he only missed the target by a... Oh, I don't know. A few hundred feet? It flew waaaaaay above the target, and into a tree. Only this particular tree happened to be the wompping willow.

"Oh hades"
"RUN!" People were screaming, and once again running. The willow shook, and sent the arrow back at the students, and hit the target in the center.

"AH COME ON. EVEN A TREE IS BETTER AT ARCHERY THAN ME." Percy yelled at no one in particular.


A tree is better at shooting arrows than me (felt like I needed to say that, again)


After a few more hours of training, and many more scrambles and trees acing archery, we Went back to the Grand Hall for dinner. Tonight's specialty was seafood. I guess you could say, percy WHALED when he saw all his fishy friends on plates. No? Okay...

"GREEK MONSTER ALERT PEOPLE. SOME FREAKY MONSTER. WE NEED HELP." Some teacer I can't remember the name of at the moment ran in. I quickly twisted my skull ring, as percy grabbed his pen, Leo took out throwing knives. That was new. I never seen him use anything but a large hammer... Annabeth got her dagger, THALIA got her bow, jason got his spear-thing. And some Wizards got a hold of celestial bronze weapons. They were mostly bows, because swords were still to heavy for them, and none of them were ready for a dagger. We ran up, and saw a hellhound.

"Honey?" Percy asked, half scared.

"Um... Honey?" I asked him.

""Long story..." he trailed off.

"Okay, you ready for dis? CASSEROLE!" Well, that was a new battle cry. Haha. EAT OUR *battlecry* All the demigods charged, and Percy got hit in the back of the leg with a arrow.

"WATCH IT." He screamed at the Wizards. He used the arrow as if it were a mini spear. The hellhound was killed faster than last time, but then I remembered. Last time. That wasn't even a week ago... Was it? How did he reform that fast? I had so many questions, but without answers what good would it do? I was finishing my dinner, when Bianca came to me.

"Nico, we need to talk." She said with a Serius (hehe) face. I followed her out of the grand hall, and she started talking.

"Okay. I figured out how all the monsters are coming back."


"Bellatrix. As sad to say, she's our sister, and descendent of Zeus. She had murdered people. She had become powerful. She used to be frozen in boreases (ice king, who spoke FRENCH with piper in book 1 of HoO series. I just can't spell.) mansion, but thawed recently. So like us, she is a lot older than she looks... She isn't illegal either. She has been bringing them back to life. She's been behind everything." She let that sink in.

"I have an idea." I said. I do. I really do.


"Do you remember what you told me? About Hades children? And Grudges?" I raised my eyebrows.





Demiwizards? (A Percy Jackson Harry Potter crossover) (wattys 2015)Where stories live. Discover now