#Dont-blow-up-my-school look...

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So, the amazing scar face thinks he did more then me. He thinks what I've been through, was nothing compared to him. I slammed the headmistresses door in their faces, put up a sound barrier, and saw McGonnagle.

"Next time, knock Before entering." She sternly told us. I put my fist in the air, and knocked on an imaginary door, and walked in, with a roll of the eyes.

"You may not know this, but we were attacked by monsters, a ton of them, and once we finished, I healed my friends, AND THEY WERE ALREADY BACK. THEY RESPAWNED IN LESS THAN 15 MINUTES." I attempted to keep my cool, but then I just exploded. All my friends took a big step away from me. A really mad Percy can be Very. Dangerous. So kids, Never, EVER, anger a Percy, especially if he is the son of the sea. Harry, hadn't learned that lesson. Hopefully he finds out the good way, not the bad way.

"How many monsters?" McGonnagal asked.

"Well, as you know, Nico, Percy, and I are children of the big three. Percy, being the most powerful demigod in a while, attracts a lot of not invited guests. While Nico, is really dangerous, and I, Artemis leutnet will only stronger the scent. Annabeth, she is the Mark of Athena. There were about 30, emposia, 30 dracnae, the Chimera, The Minotaur, 6 hellhounds, 3 furys, aaaaand that's it, I think." Thalia stated. Mcgonnagles jaw dropped at the sound of the 30 emposia. It fell lower at the sound of the other monsters. When THALIA finished, her jaw was practicly on the floor.

"How.. How did you defeat them, twice?" Mcgonnagle whispered, shocked.

"That's basically 2 weeks worth of monsters, professor. We deal with these everyday. Just be happy I hadn't managed to blow this place up, like I have before...." I chuckled nervously, remembering that day. Mcgonnagle gave me a shocked, concerned and don't-blow-up-my-school look.

"Shall we have a feast in your honor?" Mcgonnagle asked.

"Uh, not if we have to tell our story." The demigods said together.

"Why don't you want the students to know your story?" McGonnagle asked.

"Kronos, noseless, crazy lady mostly." I said, rather rudely and was about to march out, when owl face grabbed my arm.

"Wait, percy." She growled.

"OK. OK!" I told you to never anger a percy. BUT NEVER, EVER ,EVEEER anger an Annabeth. Particularly a girlfriend of a percy...

"Look. These students can be trusted!" Mcgonnagle said.

"Malfoy." Is all I said, and despite Annabeths protests, I marched out. I saw the trio looking at me. "What. Do. You. Want." I said through gritting teeth.

"Why can't we know your story?" Hermione asked. I just ignored her, and stormed to he common rooms. I jump in the shower, to calm down. After 20 minutes, I get out, get dressed, and face plant on my bed. Then I fall asleep. With no dreams


I shot up with a start when I hear someone scream. A girl scream. A very familiar scream. So familiar, I remember hearing it as I fell to Tarterous.

"Annabeth!" I mutter. I start running up the stairs, but it turns to a slide. Hades. I need to get to her she's upstairs. I can't go up the stairs because of it turning into a slide. I decided to do a spell, allowing me to run up the slide. Her screams continue, but are abruptly cut off. I run in, and a sound barrier is put up. She is screaming, shaking and crying.

"Annabeth, sweetie, it's ok. It's just a dream, it's ok. Your safe. I am safe. We aren't there anymore." Then I sing, as on key as possible, to her. It's a child's lullaby, but whatever.

"Moon moon moon

Shining bright,

Moon moon moon

My night light

Moon moon moon" I skipped a few verses oh well.

"Look up its the moon

Look up its the moon

Look up Its The moon up in the sky

It's big and round

And I have found

That it looks just like a pizza pie" yup. That's a Laurie Berkner for YA. Just as I finished she woke up. She immediately pulls me in a hug and is sobbing on my shoulder. "Was it Gaea and the monsters?" I felt her slightly nod in my shoulder. I decided she would want somewhere more private, so I pick her up bridal style and carry her to filtches empty office.











AAAAW PERCABETH. ISNT IT ADOOORAAABLLLEE???? ANYWHO, I AM SOOOOO HAAAAAAAAPPY!!! 1.02K READS OMIGOSH OMIGOSH OMIGOSH. Anyway, anyone ever listen to Laurie Berkner when little? I did. That's where I got the idea. LOL. I attempted a long chapter, but I don't know how that worked out. I'll try that for my next one also. And UNITATOES, always remember UNICORN. E

Demiwizards? (A Percy Jackson Harry Potter crossover) (wattys 2015)Where stories live. Discover now