Embarrasing moments and pink hair

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ANND because of the last thingy I wrote, this CHAPPY will be in LEOS POV, and PERSASSYS POV.

This is how I would explain my day.

1. I fall asleep.

2. I wake up to loud screams,

3. I run to foam face.

4. I notice da blood, and scream louder than him.

5. I go to wizard training- wait. LEMME stop there for now. Imma gonna tell you how that went. We were in a large room, lined with dummies for practice, waiting for a teacher to come. Now imagine this. A room, full of kids, with magic powers, with SOME TROUBLE MAKERS. HEHE. All in the same room. Practicing spells. I decided to have some fun. What's the best spell I know..,?

"Mechaniche" I yell at the ceiling, making it so everyone gets hit by the spell.

"What. Did. You. Do." I heard Nico say in a robot voice.

"SKWAAAAAK SKWZAAAC EEEK" Thalia stared yelling in bird language at me.

"LEEEEEEEOOOOO" Percy started singing opera, with a mad look on his face after he realized it was opera.

"AROOOOOOOOOOO" Some kid howled.

"Deeeerp derp derp" some kid was talking in derp language.

"Riiiibbit. RIIIIIBIT" SOme kid croaked. This was hilarious. I did a voice changeling spell.

"CHHOOOOO CHOOOO" Someone had a train whistle voice. Now imagine every sound I you could think of. All making that noise at the same time. Now you basically hear what this room sounds like.

"Fine. Fine. MACHANICHE" I yelled once again. Everyone's voices wen back to normal. Future note-to-self. Never. And I mean NEVER. Pull a prank on a room full of magic people. Before I knew it, I was floating in the air, doused in water, buzzing with electricity, being tickled, and body bounded. It went like that for a full five minutes before a teacher walked in and told everyone to stop.

"PUT HIM DOWN IMMEDIATELY." Mr. Blowfish yelled. Thank gods. I needed to get down.

"Okay, children. We will start with a few simple spells, then keep progressing up. We will start with the 'expeliamus' and then body bounds, freezes, hexes, and curses. The only spells we will not do. AT ALL. Are the unforgivable curses, which, of course, are illegal. Ok so let's begin." I heard McGonnagle say. "Everyone, pick a partner, and take out your wands."

I was paired with Jason, Hermione was with Ginny, Nico and Thalia, Percy and Annabeth, and RON and Harry.

"Disarm. Only" 3...2...1... A series of disarming spells rang through the air. I yelled as Jason yelled, and both of our wands flew out of our hands.

"THAT WASNT THE DISARM SPELL!" A voice yelled. A noticeable voice. A familiar voice. There stood Thalia Grace, hair and clothes turning pink, with a snickering nico standing there. *said in Morgan Freeman's voice*

"Oops. I must of mixed them up." Nico smirked. Thalia was now in a fluffy pink dress, with long pink hair. She looked like the Bubblegum Princess or something.

"IM GOING TO KILL YOU, NICO." Thalia screamed, and Nico ran outside. He went to the courtyard with the lake and squid. Thalia followed. Everyone followed. The sky became gray with clouds, thunder rumbling over the sky. The ground began to shake, as skeletons rose from the ground. All the Wizards screamed. Did we show them our powers yet? I guess not. Lightning started striking by Nico feet, leaving spots of grass burnt. The skellys were advancing on Thalia slowly.

"Guys stop!" Percy ran in between them, 'trying' to make them stop.

"Move, kelp brain." Thalia growled.

"Ex-cuuuuse me. You think you can just tell me to move? Well, I gotta tell you sister. FREE FOR ALL!" Percy screamed, just wanting an excuse to fight his cousins. He brought out a pen and uncapped it. It wasn't riptide, it was a random pen. So it stayed as a pen.

"Oops." He put that pen back in his pocket and blushed. Then he brought out riptide, his real sword. When he uncapped it this time, it sprung into a sword. We HAVE showed some of our weapons. He summoned an earthquake, making the other two fall to the ground.

"LEVEL UP." He yelled as if he were in a video game. He was never good at earthquakes, but this one was pretty impressive. Nothing overly big, but enough to make people fall to the ground. The son of Hades and daughter of Zeus forgot about each other, and targeted percy. they advanced on him, and he just doused them in water. Not even doused, drenched. To the bone. He lifted the entire lake, leaving wobbling fish at the bottom, and dropped it on them. About 10 secs later, he put the water back, only the bit around them remained, and as he put his hands down, it rolled across the land in all ways, the snow melting, and the water thawing the ground.

"OKAY. STOP." Chiron and McGonnagle yell at the same time. "We need to train. there will be a war in a few days," McGonnagle said, "and we can't afford any distractions." Chiron finished.

"Well finish this later." They told each other. Thalia's pink spell worn off, and she was back in black.

"That was leomazing!" I told them. LEO McShizzle approves.



We were lined up to do another round of the disarming spell, when Ms. Spikz (#new nickname for you Thalia!) yelled about the wrong spell.

"IM GOING TO KILL YOU NICO!" Ms. Spikz yelled. Nico ran outside, and everyone followed. We were by the lake, and I really wanted to duel- er truel? What do you call it when three people fight? Duel means two people fighting, right? Then is it trueling? Or just plain fighting? Hm. Or is it triting. Or maybe- my ADHD got to me again. They are already half way done fighting. I better start fighting now.

"Guys stop" I yelled at them, hoping they would say something back. Luckily, Thalia did.

"Move kelp brain" she spoke dangerously to me. Time to turn on persassy.

"Ex-cuuuuse me. You think you can just tell me to move? Well, I gotta tell you sister. FREE FOR ALL!" I yelled, happy to get in some action. Considering we are cousins, none of us will seriously harm each other to bad. Plus, it's fun, cuz me being the best swordsman in over 300 centuries, it's fun to battle two other VERY. powerful people. At the same time. I'm not saying Annie isn't powerful, she defiantly is. It's just. I gotta let her win, because she is my girlfriend. ANYWAY. I decided to try something new. I focused to cause an earthquake. I made the ground rumble enough to knock people over.

"LEVEL UP" I blurted, happy because I haven't accomplished this before. They glared at me, and started advancing on me. I simply drenched them in water from the lake. I put most the water back, but they were mad, they came quicker, but Chiron and McGonnagle Interrupted.

"ENOUGH" and BLAH blah blah. No distractions. Three days time. All that. All I know is that I can't battle- AHA. ITS A BATTLE. That can have more than two people right?

"We'll finish this later" we all agreed.

"That was leomazing!" LEO exclaimed.




Demiwizards? (A Percy Jackson Harry Potter crossover) (wattys 2015)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum