Bye bye! Moldy shorts!

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I was slumped against the wall praying to Zeus they wouldn't come back, yet. It's been three days, and I'm lucky I'm still alive. I. AM STARVING. NOT OH HAHA IM HUNGRY, BUT LOSING WEIGHT STARVING. UGH. Crazy lady cut me up more, and noseless used his wand. I got a plan. Just needed to work out the kinks. Since, I knew, they wouldn't die and stay dead, i need to knock em out! Ok. I finished planning, and took my hands out of the handcuffs, but kept them behind my back to make it look like hey still were. Crazy lady came back in, and I had riptide in my hand it's now or never. I jumped up, and banged her on the back of the head (hard) with the bottom of my sword. She fell to the ground. Knocked out cold. I ran, more like limped, as silently as possible. I ran through tons of halls. Then I finally found the front door. I ran out as fast as possible. I took in my surroundings. I'm in some city. Great. I have no clue. I ran, to find a fountain. I can't show my powers in front of people though. Dang. I then noticed something. The 'something' was the Eiffel Tower. I. Am. In. Paris. Oh. Hades. HOW DO I GET BACK TO LONDON? Oh hades. I'm in trouble. I ran to the nearest bathroom and locked myself in the handicap stall. I took out a drachma.

"Oh fleecy, do me a solid. Show me Annabeth, Hogwarts. She was doing her homework! "Annabeth!" I wisper-shouted. She looked up and saw me.

"Percy!" she whispershouted back.

"I'm out! I got out!" I had tears of joy run down my face.

"OH MY GODS YOUR OUT? HOW?" She yelled.

"I escaped. But. One little problem." I said, nervously.


"I'm in Paris."


How in hades did he get out? I'm so happy!

"I'm in Paris." Oh gods.

"WHAT?" I screeched.

"Well when I got out, I saw the Eiffel Tower..."

"Oh gods. At least it's not Alaska." I managed with a weak smile.


"Hey percy, I'm gonna be late for class. I'll IM you ASAP though. I promise."

"K" he swiped his hand through and the connection cut off.


I was sitting on the curb, trying to make a plan when a 2-story giant purple bus pulled up in front of me.

"Hello mate! Need somewhere to go? I can sense a really powerful wizard in you" A man in a purple uniform asked.

"Yea, can this get to Hogwarts?"

Oh course! Hop on the bus! But if you don't mind me asking, what happened to ya? Your bloody, limping and cut!" He took in the condition of my body, and his face was horrified when he saw me dragging my leg. Whatever. I hopped on the bus when a voice surprised me.

"Well what do we have here?" A hanged head said (haha rhymed). I started to run to the seats when I saw that there were none. Beds. But not chairs. I went over and lauded down on a cot. It was hard, but softer then concrete floor, so i was great full. Suddenly, we sped off. And when I say sped, I mean sped like ZOOM! All the beds screeched on the floor as they flew backwards. I sat up, horrified. Gods, we must of been going 200 MPH! We suddenly came to a stop, and I flew of my bed and hit a pole. Ow. I looked and saw a little boy in the middle of the street, running out of the way. As soon as he was out of the way, I fell onto my bed again.

1 hour later

After a lot of squeezing, slamming, and falling, I was finally at Hogwarts. Annabeth musta been busy, she didn't IM me again. I got into Hogwarts unnoticed, and that surprised me. Like, the doors were open to let in air, and all the teachers were in the Great hall for lunch... Oh well. I found my way to the great hall, and those doors were closed. I opened the door and limped in.

"Miss me?" I said, and sat down next to Annabeth. Everyone seemed so happy I was back, and horrified at my apperence. Whatever. I wisper end to my friends.

"We should tell them who we really are." I said. They all nodded and looked down. I got up and went to the front. With everyone staring, quiet. Well, here goes nothing...

"What do you guys know about Poseidon? Because, he happens to be my dad." I stated. And everyone started muttering. That's just great...

"We are, what you would call, demigods. Or demiwizards. For us. And um, all the Greek myths are real? And my oh-so-wonderful granddaddy, Kronos, teamed up with the now more powerful powerfullest wizard, that came back to life. Mr. Moldy shorts. And also Crazy lady's back, and crazy as always. If you are wondering what happened, basically they tortured me to know information that I didn't know, so yea. Now can I eat? I have been starving for three days." I complained. Who wouldn't?

"Yes yes, we will be adding a Greek mythology class that everyone will take. Here's the food," McGonnagle said. I ate a lot. A LOT a lot. Like breaking the regeneration food thing, a lot. Oh well, at least I'm not hungry. :)

HIYA MY UNITATOS! You should google search UNITATO, because they are AMAZING! So yea. Anyway, do you think they should or shouldn't get percy back, with a few surprises? (You should say yes.) anyway, I don't know if you noticed, but I suck at these A/Ns. Oh well. Anyway, shoutout to whoever can name the movie this was in.

Let's start from the very beginning,

A very good place to start.

When you read you begin with abc

When you sing you begin with do ray me.

(Do ray me)
Do ray me
The first three notes just happen to be
Do ray me
(Do ray me)

Do ray me fa so la tee

(. . .)

Do, a dear a female deer.

Ray a drop of golden sun

Me a name I call myself

Fa, a long long way to run

So a needle pulling thread,

La, a note to follow so

Te a drink with jam and bread.

That will bring us back to do do do do do

Demiwizards? (A Percy Jackson Harry Potter crossover) (wattys 2015)Where stories live. Discover now