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I run over to help Annabeth, as the two of us take on five men, who are slow and stupid. Hehe.

Two of the guys charge at me by either side. They remind me of the minotaur. Once they are charging they can't change paths. I take one step forward and BOOM! The run into each other. Heheh. Idiots.

Suddenly a shadow appears and Nico joins the two of us.

"YAAAAAY. FRIENDS!" I yelled. Nico rolls his eyes as Will join us (I shall explain LATOOR). Probably to join his boyfriend. Wait when did he get here?! #solangelo #FTW *wiggles eyebrows*

"Percy. Why in the name of Hera are you wiggling your eyebrows?" Nico had asked me. Oops. I guess it wasn't just in my mind...

"Uh... Uh.. PINEAPPLES." The first word to come to my head. Nico rolls his eyes, and continues running. After about a minute,we took down everyone. I look over to Annabeth, who is staring at will and Nico. I follow her gaze, and they are kissing. Will walks over, kissed him, and walked away, leaving Nico as red as rons hair.

"Spl.... Ahd... Meh?" Hehe. Nico is so surprised he can't make words. Aww. I walk over to give Annabeth a quick peck on the cheek when she pushes me away.

"Make it through the war first" she's smirking. Cruel. I look around and see many people on the ground. Mostly theirs, some of our own. They are losing guys fast, and we are all fighting our hardest. The four of us all run into battle.

•a bit latoor• (sorry. I feel like to much war will be boring)

Five demigods have surrounded the last dude. All of the other wizards are watching as we close in on him.

"You may have won the battle. But the war ain't over." This guy is an idiot.

"Dude. This WAS the war." I yelled at him. "Or are you missing a brain like how Voldy is missing his nose." He just laughs.

"That's what you think. Just wait." Just as I was about to say something, he fell to the ground, dead. I turn and glare at Nico.

"What? He was annoying me." He shrugged and walked away. Well then. Suddenly, some muggle born started blasting 'We are the Champions' I now look around to all the dead bodies. Some students, mostly bad people, and I notice someone barely alive on the ground.

My mom.

"MOM!" I run over, followed by the others, hoping I can help my mom. She has a bloody spot right other stomach, and her eyes were dulling by the minute.

"Percy..." Her voice is very weak, and she hands a long silver chain with a red pendant. "This is the necklace. I had it in my possession without anyone's knowledge. Protect it with your life, percy." She gave me a weak smile, and before I knew what happened, the little bit of life in her eyes disappeared, as I watched in horror and processed what just happened.

"Mommy?" My voice cracked, and a water droplet fell. Then another. Soon I was balling and Annabeth was crying also. The Wizards only watched, unsure of what to do. And the other demigods were trying to hold in there tears as they comforted us. I held the last gift I got from her in my hand.

"I swear on River Styx, I will protect this the best I can." The thunder rumbled, making my oath final.(GUYS I SORRY. IT IS IMPORTANT FOR THE SEQUEL) I slowly got up as I glared at the floor. Why did this happen to her? She is the sweetest and kindest person I know- I knew. "Cmon guys. Let's go inside." Without waiting for answers, or the others, I walked up to the Castle to the castle. I soon hear others following, and the son of the sun catches up to me.

"I'm sorry about your mom, Percy." I could hear the pity in his voice.

"Whatever. When did you get here anyway?" I ask him.



"WILL! You were called to Chiron!" I quickly jog to his location and see him.

"What's up, horse dude?" I ask him. Yeah, I know I am supposed to respect him, but horse dude just... Fits.

"I need to ask something big of you. Will you go to hogwarts to help the demigods?" He asked, ignoring the nickname.

"Uh, if I may ask, why?" He just gives me a look.

"The Wizards can use any help they can get. And currently, all of the other pegasi are on a different mission, leaving the baby. He can only hold one person, and you have the most experience to both fight and control a baby pegasus. Well, sure some people may be better at controlling the baby, but not as much help, and vice versa, but you seem well rounded." Then, if that wasn't enough information, he adds: "plus, Nico will be there." I just nod, and set off to the stables.


"Let's just say... Something important to me might get hurt if I didn't come." He just nodded and continued to walk. Then I realized something important to HIM just got hurt, and he was here. He couldn't save her.

I guess I said a wrong choice of words. Oops.

Demiwizards? (A Percy Jackson Harry Potter crossover) (wattys 2015)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin