Chapter 19

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song title: dancing on my own by  calumn  scott

Aryann POV

I was smiling to myself as I sniffed the bouquet of flowers Creed gave me before he joined the hunt.

"Do not leave the tree house my queen. I trust you will not do something reckless again while I'm away. " He seriously warned.

I was well aware he was referring to the first time I wanted to cook for him. I ended up burning half of the palace kitchen.

He was busy with the council meeting that time and I ordered my servants to take a break.

I was scared shitless when he bellowed from the door. I felt like a child caught sneaking my hand on the cookie jar only worse. I wanted to shrink from my spot but I stood my ground and acted like a brat.

It was hilarious how his nose flared like he wanted to strangle me but just ticked his jaw and carried me away from the burning place.

" I knew it! Something like this will happen. And you said you were just frying some eggs?! Am I right? You will literally going to be the death of me, love." His face was blank but his beautiful eyes were smiling.

I chuckled to myself. " You really messed up that time." Jiane yawned in the back of my mind.

"I know. I just wanna be helpful for once and look what it brought me? "
I answered back, as i looked at the flower petals and candles scattered inside the huge tree house Creed made me,  in my favorite spot near the cliff.

My servants made sure I was comfortable before they went to enjoy themselves with their mates and families.

I received this amazing surprise when I won the archery contest for the royals in the northern kingdom.

"Your hard work paid off my love, here's your prize".

I could not believe my eyes when he took off the blindfold. He transformed my hidden sanctuary into a beautiful tree house. The tree was  unscathed otherwise it seemed pleased by the honors of it.

Inside was a complete cabin with queen sized bed, bathroom and a balcony overlooking the sea. I ran back to Creed's arms and thanked him for the wonderful gift.

How did I get so lucky for a fiancé? We shared a deep kiss under the moonlight that night. Blissful memory to cherish.

"The Gods chose your equal Aryann. There's so much power in you. So much potential. He will be our perfect balance. Never doubt yourself." Jiane spoke in my reflection in the mirror.

" I will certainly try. I still have so much to learn." I smiled at her.

"And learn you shall. Creed is a very good master." She wiggled her eyebrows.

I blushed but froze when I heard a wheezing sound nearby. I knew that sound and it means trouble! It was quick yet so present. I heard a thud. My fight mode was activated. I sniffed the air. Smoke, tears and blood.

"Shit. Smoke means fire. Neirian!" Jiane warned me.

I swooped down behind the tree soundlessly and peeked the source of the sobbing.
A young boy. Not older than ten was limping and looking around scared and shaking.

"Aryann. I know you can hear me." He rasped. He coughed out blood swaying on his feet.

I rushed towards him. His Amber eyes  tearful, seeking for help.

" You have to come save your mother or he will kill all the children of Neiru." He was trembling. He clung to my arm. I could not say a word.

" They have my sister. Please. I beg yo-." He passed out.

I scooped the helpless child in my arms. And jumped up the balcony. I paced after placing him on the bed weighing my options. The child confirmed that my mother is still alive. And now not only her life is at stake.

Creed's POV

I wiped blood out my face with my tunic and discarded it somewhere in the shrubs. I looked behind at the gigantic beast I caught.

Aryann and I will have a feast tonight. Just the two of us in her treehouse. Then I felt it. The shift in the air.

No! No! No!

I was barking orders to my army to secure our people to safety. We might be under attack. The wards were down to accommodate the visitors.

I left the beast I was pulling and broke into a sprint towards the treehouse the only goal is to get my mate as fast as I could. Who dared intrude my territory without permission will die by my hands. It was surely from another realm.

I called out to my trusted warriors to swiftly sweep the forest for intruders.
I found the door open with a bloody dragon youngling passed out in the bed. I called out to Aryann with no avail.

My adrenaline pumped and I was never been scared and mad in my life. Where the hell is she? Charleston was agitated and wanted to be near Aryann at all cost.

"Where the fuck is she-? No. It can't be. She won't, no! she can't jump to another realm. She doesn't have that kind of power yet. She must be around here."

Caden was at the door but just moved his head 'no'.

"Wake the child and get as much information as you can." That's all I could say. I could not stay there. I might kill the child with the rage and worry I was feeling.

She was nowhere to be found. I heard the links from my warriors saying they could not trace Aryann's scent anywhere.

I released a guttural roar and let my beast free. I cried to the moon asking why did the gods let this happen.

I felt betrayed by my mate. Betrayed by fate. She left. And wherever she is right now surely she is in grave danger and most likely will die.

The most painful part was that I was helpless.




Hello lovelies! It's been a while. I hope you are all doing awesome despite the pandemic we are experiencing. I just wanna thank everyone who took their time to read this far! Aryann is more than 5k reads/views. whoop! yeah. 

once again thank you very much. 

more updates will come soon. thanks for stopping by. 



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