Chapter 3

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Yanny POV

I speed walked towards the park where I could think or cry or do whatever i want, where no one could hear and care but fate might have other plans.

Instead of the lone tree to greet my sight I bumped into a wall. A wall? how come there's a wall? Wait. I looked up and my mouth fell open. Huh?

A guy towering over my 5'9" height. He might be, no He is the most beautiful creature I have seen in my entire life. Icy blue eyes, wait it's changing colors, weird right?

Strong jawline, thick brows and lashes, sharp nose, lips so plump and sexy with a smirk painted on it right now. He might be almost 7 feet tall with tan muscular built. Just a definition of a prince in his stance and appeal.

"You might wanna close those lips or I might think you're inviting me for a kiss?" His smile widen but his eyes twinkle with adoration and love?

"Uhh,aheerrm. E-excuse me but I need to get going will you please let me go?"
I tried to push his arms off my waist after he caught me before I fall butt first on the ground. I ignored his alluring scent and the sparks flooding my senses at the same time.

He was so gorgeous like a model that stepped out of a magazine.
I secretly scanned his appearance. Wild,dirty blonde hair. A simple white shirt and dark grey jacket. Jeans and plain black running shoes. Simple and yet my heart galloped like a horse in a tight race.

He reluctantly let go of me but spoke again with his husky accented baritone.

"What's your name mate? I'm not from around here but I need you to come with me in my kingdom as soon as possible." He seriously delivered like it's a crime not to abide his will.

His minty breath fanning my face. He obviously tresspassed my personal space but I'm rooted to my spot by his intense stare.

"Mate? Kingdom? Are you a royalty or something? Why do I need to come with you? I asked confused, getting to the idea that this hot guy is actually an asylum escapee ( how disappointing). I cautiously stepped back.

"Mate as in soulmate. Yes my kingdom, I am the King and I need you to rule by my side. I need you to come with me." He grabbed my hand and tried to walk towards forest.

It was opposite way I was going. Well, tried but my flight mode kick in,

I came to my senses and remembered Papay's words. "I taught you how to fight but you will only use this if you are in serious trouble. We can't trust anyone princess. When you get free run and never look back."

I caught him of guard and turned delivering a powerful kick on his chest. He stumbled a little and let go of my hands by surprise.

"Hasta La Vista, butchi!" Then I ran. I knew I could run fast or so I thought. He recovered from shock and with so much glee he chased me, being a wolf that loves a good chasing, he was more excited to claim the prize. Me.

He advanced after we reached the edge of the football field running pass me then blocked my exit. I'm screwed.

"My prize?" He smiled not even breaking a sweat from our run.
Of all the things that I expected to happen after being caught, him kissing me was not one of them.

Yes, and it felt wonderful. I couldn't help but close my eyes and pull him closer. I put my arms around his neck while he tangled on my hair and waist. He growled deepening the kiss. The time stopped.

All I could think about was the taste of his lips and every sensation it was giving me.

I might die of oxygen deprivation and I won't give a single care. We were like dessert travelers that finally found an oasis. What's this feeling? This is not good!

I was exchanging fluid with a very hot stranger. But it felt so right. I sighed in his kisses.

His hand on my waist found my bum and squeezed me closer to his body. I gripped his hair, earning a moan from him.

"What do think you're doing with the princess, King Creed of Ujilana?".


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