Chapter 26

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Two shall fall
Two shall ascend;
One that growls will now have roars.
One that cowers will now have powers.
Once bleak will now have colors;
Darkness dances at night;
Dawn calms the fright.
Once despair ends, hope will commence.

Aryann POV

I woke up with throbbing pain. I wished I fell asleep again. The pain was unbearable. I ached from the tips of my hair down to my pinky toe.

"You and me both girlfriend. You and me both." Jiane whined in my head. My eyes watered ashamed to my beast. Why do I have to be so weak?

"Where am I?". I roamed my eyes in the wooden cabin. And hissed when I moved my head.

" Aryann, my child. Im so glad you're awake. You were out cold for a week." Amethyst sobbed. She fixed my hair away from my eyes.

" Where are the kids?" I rasped.

" I had to separate them and put on foster care. Having fire elementals and shifter royals will spell disaster for any of them." Amethyst wiped her tears as she assisted me to drink the warm liquid. It tasted like shit but I trust it was necessary for my recovery.

" The impending war will only make them vulnerable. You're keeping their beasts for the meantime. They were needed to revive you." She sat down holding my hand gently in hers.

" What does that imply?". I studied her face. I couldn't believe she's here in flesh. I was just disappointed I can't hold her close. My mother. She was etherially beautiful. Her long wavy hair cascaded on her back on a thick fishtail braid. Her purple eyes was glistening with unshed tears.

Her skin was white as snow. The marks of elements were on her forearm. She had three except fire. I didn't know she was this powerful.

" Am I dreaming? Tell me you're real. please mom?" I tried to reach for her with my casted arm.

" Shh baby, I am real this time. Don't force yourself. I'm going to heat up your food. I'm not going anywhere.Stay still okay?" She kissed my forehead. The warmth of her touch made my tears fall. I forced a smile and nodded.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

She stiffened. There's someone on the door. The scent of black magic and darkness froze my limbs.

" Shit we're in no condition to fight." Jiane panicked in frustration.

" I'm sorry baby. " I was surrounded by thick trees like a barrier. When the door swung open.

Lashes of whip were heard in the air.
"There's no need for a fight Amethyst. Aren't we friends? Geez you're such a momma hen." The stranger whizzed around the room. His voice deep and eery.

"Victor. How did you find us?" My mother's relaxed a little.

" Easy. I had your blood when we had a date in Zon remember? You're still as beautiful as I remember." He smiled fangs showing.

The tree barrier dissipated in thin air.

" Why are you here?". My mother was blushing.

" I came bearing gifts. But first I need a pint of blood." And then he fell on the ground with exhaustion.

We learned that Victor was imprisoned for many years during the last alignment. He was the guardian of Zon. Niijah (Goddess of darkness) took his crystal and set the corrupted prisoners free. Creating chaos in all the realms. He only had this chance to escape when Damian (God of fire) and Niijah jumped to Neiru to try to catch Sukiya.

"I was the only one that didn't give my blood to you when you were conceiving. That's why her beast was tremendously weak. Incomplete. I'm terribly sorry I wasn't around Amethyst." He cleared his throat and stared longingly at my mother.

She smiled sadly and nodded, It was okay.

He stepped towards me and held my chin.

"Just a drop of blood child, you will be good as new." He broke his wrist and dark blood almost black trickled on my lips.

My body convulsed rattling the bed. My eyes drifted to the back of my head. My body went rigid. Breathed in gasps. I was suffocating.

"We need to shift Aryann." Jiane writhed in my mind. I screamed and trashed. Nails grew and turned black.

"I feel like dying!". I was trying to reach for my mother. She was held back by Victor.

"Of course you are. How can you be reborn if you won't die first." He had amusement in his eyes.

What the fuck! Why didn't he tell me that in the first place. I would have smack his beautiful face if I wasn't in so much pain.

My heart stopped. I was swallowed bvy darkness. Then I felt the thrumming of energy. I saw light again. When I opened my  eyes I felt stronger and taller.

"I love our make over Aryann look! Talons are black, one wing is black." Jiane giggled. Cc me

"What else is different?". My mother willed water to serve like a mirror.

"Holy shit we look like a beautiful collage of beasts." Jiane gasped on the mirror. We were glowing.

Black and white wings, contrasting eyes, fangs, black feline tail, black rimmed eyes, red horns, hair and lips, two sets of pointed ears, white scaled shins and arms. Light purple leathery torso. There's a sun encrusted on my forehead. I looked like an anime/video game character and I love it. I look kickass good. I would jump up and down if I wasn't crouching due to the low ceiling of the cabin.

Victor clapped.

"One that cowers will now have powers. Aryann you're the second part of the prophecy."

"The first and only Chimera.
The Goddess of  beasts and shifters."



Hello Lovelies!
Yieeh! I'm so happy how the book is going. I may have to proof read this again and again to tie some loop holes but I'm still focusing on finishing the book before I do that.
I really hope you're enjoying yourself.

Gosh I'm practically grinning like a mad woman.

Thank you all so much for reading.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2022 ⏰

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