Chapter 18

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Song title: la la la by Shakira

Aryann's POV

The grand procession has started. Floating flatforms of each kingdom were adorn with flowers and beautiful ornaments representing their races.

Apparently not only werewolves call Ujilania home there were other shifters like the felines or werecats, werecayotes and surprisingly dryads.

I was expected to organize this important event, as the future queen and I was filled with excitement and anxiety as I watched the children posted infront of parade dressed as their idols and heroes. Each of them held lamps with a light insect inside of it.

Mated members of the warriors walked alongside the flatforms. Unmated males will join the hunt when the clock ticks to midnight.

The power of the red moon will magnify the call for the mating bond making it the best time to give in to their beasts. They were expected to offer the first kill to their new found mate, if they ever found them this year.

Females above eighteen onwards were dressed in white and woven flowers on their heads. In hopes to finally meet their mate. Creed's sisters joined them to the forest.

Those who would not be joining the hunt could enjoy themselves with the booths of performers from each kingdom and variety of food in between prepared specifically for the celebration.

I even prepared obtacle courses and lots of games for the children. People were happy to see new things and ideas I presented to them. The bouncy castle was a hit.

"I like how you handled the celebration my queen. Congratulations it's spectacular." Creed spoke through our link while waving at the people.

He was beaming with pride as we neared the entrance of the temple. Loud drums and merry music accompanied the chanting of the people.

It took several weeks to finish decorating the temple but it was all worth it. My servants could not stop gushing how beautiful it was.

The kings were asked to sit while the queens led the dance ritual before the moon goddess appear.

"Can you do me a favor Creed?", I turned to him with my most sultry smile.

"With you looking like that, how could I say no?" He gulped and licked his lips.

I didn't say anything but my servant handed him a stringed instrument.
He was shocked at first but turned to me and smirked.

"How did you know?" He inquired.

" I have my ways." I winked at him.

"Dance for me, my love." He stood from the throne and walked towards me in the stage. People were cheering and clapping when they saw their king participated in the program. It was not everyday they would see the King playing music and being carefree.

He was always serious and quiet. The weight of ruling the realm could do that to you. I would like to believe I had something to do with the changes. His sisters told me he was smiling more often and always in the good mood.

Caden clapped on Creed's back and said. "Stop eye f*cking Aryann's they're about to dance."

"Wait till you find yours and you'll understand. Now get out of my sight before I make you. " He growled. This was a normal exchange from the two. Only Caden had the balls to tease the alpha king like that. Always my source of entertainment.

We swayed in the music and let the music led our every step. It took me some time master the steps Shena taught me. She was the werecat queen and her kind was the most graceful of all shifters in Ujilania.

And I couldn't admit to myself that I already like her.  Maybe I could thank her later. And based from Creed's reaction he liked what he saw.

"Goddess love, you're killing me right now." Charleston spoke on our link as my hips lowered in time with the drums. Jiane giggled on my mind.

The beat grew faster so does our movements. Hands on our heads as we let our hair down. Moving our bodies in unison, hands, feet and hips up until my freestyle.

Other queens lowered in bowing position leaving me in the center face to face with Creed. He was standing in front of the band of musicians.

Shena winked, "It's time Aryann."

"Jiane!" Purplish radiance engulfed me. Anticipation build-up as I brandished my sword in the air. Everything stopped. Only Creed's fervent strumming was heard. Blue fire appeared in every direction I pointed my sword.

Adrenaline pumped in my veins as I welcomed my beast to come out. I rose in the air bones cracking. Horns, fangs, claws, my skin and lastly my wings. Creed stopped playing all sweaty then kneeled infront of the hearth.

Perfect timing was the key. Two seconds before midnight I swooped beside Creed and lit up the hearth with my hands. Smoke rose and Sukiya emerged above the fire.

"Let the hunt begin."




Hey lovelies! I hope you're all feeling festive like the mood on this chapter.

Anyway, always be safe.
Thanks for stopping by.



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