Chapter 22

302 17 3

Song Title: blue sky by Hale

Aryann's POV

"This is it, keep calm, deep breaths Aryann. We just sneak it and get your mother and the hostages to safety. That's our priority for now. We'll go back for the others." Jiane reassured me.

"Gods I don't have much energy left. What do we do?" I panicked on the inside.

"Just act natural." Jiane reassured me

"Lead the way." I turned to the soldier.

We were on the last steps of the stairs before the gigantic doors when my steps faltered an I face planted on the floor. The white haired shifter turned to ask if I was fine.

"Can you just fly me up the balcony so I don't have to walk?" I asked him.

He nodded while muttering something like flying there myself. I rolled my eyes. He looked at me weirdly but didn't say anything.

"Gods these armour are heavy what are they made of." Jiane grumbled.

White smoke covered the shifter and i heard some bones cracking before a majestic white dragon emerge from the smoke. White scales gleamed in the sun like diamond.

I have read they are from a different kingdom aside from my father's and breathes tornadoes and ice. I can see ha has a royal blood in him. The light blue horns spoke for themselves. Only royal dragon shifter possessed those kinds of traits.

I guessed they were conquered as well.
I just felt bad they were on the wrong side of this war. I promised myself to make sure that their kind won't go extinct if I ever win this war.

It padded towards me. I couldn't help but raise my hand and pet its neck. It exhaled smoke and turn its back on me.

"Don't you have a saddle or something?" I asked curiously.

It shook its head, rolled its eyes and huffed icy wind my way.

"Man it was fun messing with a royal dragon." Jiane giggled.

"You sure are beautiful. I hope we can be friends someday". I whispered in the wind as we soared in the sunset.

I fell on my butt the second time that day.

"Ouch." It was hard for me to move on this damn armour.

"Stop making a fool of yourself, you're supposed to be a Captain and a formidable dragon shifter." Jiane hissed.

I straightened myself and scowled like a wanna kill someone.

" You're not the Captain." The white haired guy spoke silently behind me.

"Shit he heard you." Jiane stated the obvious. I pursed my lips before i faced him.

"I'm Aryann nice to meet you." I surveyed around before I returned my gaze at him.

"Prince Yuri and you're not supposed to be here. Well not yet for that matter." He shoved his hands on his pocket. He seem agitated.

" I have to, the children of this realm are suffering together with the others." I stated softly.

" Do you think i don't know that, I have witnessed my family slaughtered by your father. And barging here alone is the stupidest you could ever do." He gripped his hair and fell on the fall like a child throwing a tantrum.

His shoulders shook. He was crying silently.

"I am a useless prince. I let them die. I couldn't do anything. I am a prisoner on my own realm. All I can do is wait for the prophecy to happen." He raised his head.

I knelt in front of him.

"We can never change the past Yuri. All we can do now is always give pur best in the present and hope for a brighter future." I held his hand and exhaled.

"Help me get my mother and the children, I will come back with reinforcements to finish this. We both know I can not do this alone. " I gazed at his deep blue eyes.

He's no older than 15 and I am sure he will grow up to be a regal and gorgeous man.

"Promise me if I die you will take care of my people." He dried his eyes with his tunic and sniffed.

"I promise." I took his pinky with mine.

He look at me weirdly again and scrunched his nose.

I smiled and got up.

"Let's go we have babies to rescue." I took out my dagger.

"This way. The Dragon Lord awaits." He muttered with urgency.

" I will be waiting with the children in this balcony when the clock strikes to 9. Your mother's soul is kept inside red crystal the Dragon Lord wears." He looked at me as if asking if I was really sure to do this.

I nodded.

I produced a scythe out of thin air, one of my cherished collection.

"Consider this a gift as a sign of our friendship and my promise to you." I smiled at him while i coat it with my blood. The weapon gleamed in the moonlight.

I handed him the jeweled handle.

He willed it to disappear. I nodded a little impressed.

He left me on the black double doors with a dragon carved on it. Two tall and bulky orc guards bowed at me before opening each door.

"It's show time." Jiane licked her lips, eyes out for blood.

I stepped inside walking like I own the place. Scowl in my face as i surveyed the lavish interior of the courtroom. He was lazily sitting in the throne sipping what look like blood. I was positive its elven blood. I gritted my teeth.

Women barely dressed were at his feet some holding a platter of food. A spider bat perched on his seat.

He was good looking but I inherited nothing from him except his aristocratic nose. I have the urge to break it and wipe that sinister smirk on his face.

"My King you asked for me?". I bowed.

"No need for formality my child."

My pulse rate skyrocketed and my eyes widen a fraction.

"Oh Goddess help me!".



Hello lovelies.
I just wanna thank you all for coming this far!

You are all amazing.

I am so happy to be able to write again.

I celebrate each and everyone who voted, commented and added my story on your libraries.
I am forever grateful for giving this book a chance.

I am blessed to have you.

I will strive harder and make this book worth your time.

Cheers to 11k views!!!

Love you all,


Aryann: Alpha King's Hybrid MateWhere stories live. Discover now