Chapter 6

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Song title: Run by Leona Lewis

King Creed's POV

Jeremy and I kept arguing to where Aryann must stay after her transformation was complete. Yes, that's my beautiful mate's name, Princess Aryann of Miraya and I'm so flattered that the Mood Goddess blessed me with such an amazing mate.

She was beautiful in her own unique way, fiery red hair and eyes with contrasting colors, her lips! Goddess I just died and brought back to life the first time our lips met.

I was happy I saw admiration in her eyes when she saw me. I think her beast approved of my looks, that made the two of us, since Char kept bugging me to mark her there and then.

"The Alignment is coming soon I must prepare her for everything before we face the Gods, she will assume her rightful place as my queen in Ujilana after that."

I stated as a matter of factly in her guardian's face.
"What of Miraya shall become if you are going to keep her in your realm? She's the only one who can stop her father from conquering other realms.

I kept tabs on him and realms like yours stayed blind on the corruption eating away our people. Ronos (realm of small beings) and Neiru (realm of fire) had fallen. He answered back without blinking.

"The more that I need to keep her away from all of these for now, I can't let her go to your realm alone! That would be suicide. We must agree that she will be stronger with me and my people on her side.

I will personally guarantee that I will lay down my life for her, she's my mate for Goddess's sake. Don't rush things up. She's not ready to fight the Dragon Lord yet, trust me on this."

I explained even though Charleston is not comfortable thinking that our mate needs to fight sooner or later.

"We must protect her at all cost. I will die if she's hurt." Char pushed an image of her lying in my arms bloody and battered. Both of us were washed up with unparalleled anguish and fear.

"We won't let that happen Char, we will do everything to keep her from harm. We are Alpha King remember?".

I assured him replaying our past accomplishments together in my mind. He howled with pride that made me smirk.

"Hey, the situation is not smile worthy you mutt! I don't like you for Princess Aryann even more. Are you even listening to me? Jeremy hissed and rolled his eyes at me. Is he serious right now he's acting like a girl in her red days. Rolling his eyes like that.

I cleared my throat and used my Alpha voice. "She will come with me and that's final! I will give her additional physical and magical trainings if that helps."

His eyes widen and bowed his head like a timid little boy. "Fine, I will come with you." He whispered barely audible but I clearly heard him with my werewolf ears, that made my beast huff with pride and 'what? That's it' stare.

Then we heard it, wheezing sound of portal opening in the wall, several footsteps and growls. We made eye contact and then nod a silent agreement that I go get my mate and him on defense mode. I burst through her bedroom door upstairs.

" We need to go, enemies are coming."


Aryann: Alpha King's Hybrid MateWhere stories live. Discover now