Chapter 1

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Song title:  Somewhere I belong by Linkin Park

Aryann POV

"I love you princess". Says the beautiful woman's voice.

It's her again. I kept dreaming of her since I was a kid. And all these years I still couldn't see her face.

It's always the same mysterious and colorful forest.
There were seven moons and bright constellations of stars and we were illuminated by palm sized light insects.

She was glowing with purplish white radiance. And her lime green flowing gown billowing in the soft breeze.
I stepped forward but she kept floating away to a point that I'm already running after her.

"No,wait. Stop. Don't leave just yet. Who are you? Come back!" .I was panting, my knees buckled on it's own while she slowly disappeared from my sight. "No!!".

"Yes, Ms. Calvin. Care to share what are you dreaming about?". My math teacher Mr. Naval asked me while the whole class burst with laughter.

"Nice one freak." Jano the football captain smirked at me.

"Oh, carry on.we won't bother your slumber princess turtle-geek. In fact, it's way better if you wouldn't show that face again in this class. Right girls?" Haley, the Barbie girl of the school turned to her minions who agreed with a sinister glare my way.

I stood up and excused myself to Mr.Naval. I didn't bother to wait for a reply. Rude, I know but I couldn't stand it. I thought I would get used to them by now but it still hurt.

All the physical and emotional abuses I received from all of them. All the scared looks from newbies.
All the disgusted stares. I was different I know. Ugly, of course I know I can see that in the mirror everyday.

But, to think that nobody looked pass my physical appearance still hurts every single time.

I remembered the time when the physical abuse stopped though emotional ones got worse. The day before we have to leave my home town for two years.

Jano kept kicking my already bruised body. I didn't fight back since it will only get worse. Another boy picked me up by my hair. I screamed in pain.

"You think you're very smart huh? Who gave you the right to embarrass me in the class. You could have said you didn't know the answer. You freak." Jano slapped me while saying those words.

" Here, let's try to straighten your back. You will fit in the school after we help you." The other boy spoke from the group of five, swishing the baseball bat in the air, taunting me.

I was forced face first in the gym wall. Other students passing by, some scurried away, some laughing. I heard the tearing of fabric next I felt cold winter air in my back.

I struggled more but two boys secured my arms.
Jano swung hard and I almost fainted through the impact. I lost count until the bat snapped together with my control. I didn't know what happened next. The memory was foggy.

One moment I was pinned in the wall next thing the boys we're all bloody and unconscious. Jano was the only one standing and trembling with I can only suspect as horror in his eyes.

"Ge-get away from me freak!." He dashed with all his might. His pants was wet. Huh? What did I do? I was in pain but not much. I saw cuts in my arms slowly sealing on their own.


I went home but I never got the chance to ask Papay about it. He was busy stuffing the car with our belongings.

"We need to hurry or we'll miss our flight." That's all he said.

The prof won't say much caused I always pass his exams with straight A's so I don't really worry on my grades.

In fact, he was impressed that i could keep up with even though, I didn't go to classes regularly. He knows I was accelerated by 2 years.

Of all the people in school I think he's the only one that cares a little other than my Papay ( my dad I called him that since I was little).

My Papay, oh I love that old hag.
He's bulky,huge guy with super big heart. He called me princess all the time and treated me like one.

I always laugh at him cause I never see any princess material about my appearance. Me? A princess? A fiery red haired,multi colored eyes, hunch backed,giant girl a princess?

What a joke. An abomination! (They said) hideous (they said). "But you are!" He always insisted then went to ruffling my feathers.

Nah kidding. I don't have wings, I wish I had, how cool would that be?! He ruffles my hair and will mutter "Soon, you'll see." Then walks off to God knows where.

He was always like that, talking riddles that even I couldn't get. I would brush it off and proceed to my room looking at my reflection in the mirror.

"Princess, my butt! Hmp. You're just like that cause I'm your daughter. You're stuck with this face forever and I have no one else but you too, Papay." Cue the sniffles.


Aryann: Alpha King's Hybrid MateWhere stories live. Discover now