48: memories

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I'm gonna try dedicating all the upcoming chapters to my lovely SOTD family!! this chapter is for TriLyric who has always been so supportive and kind. everyone go read her book The Heart of an Assassin it's really dope and we're gonna do a crossover at some point bc why not?! love u girl xx

Damian and I still weren't really on speaking terms when Saturday arrived. Conner's party was taking place during the daytime, because it was more of a hangout/gathering rather then a full-blown rave.

Rebecca was sitting across from me curling her hair. I had asked to stay the night at hers instead of coming back to the Manor only to go out again the next day. I'd been allowed, although Alfred had told me that Damian wanted to know where I was going, but was to proud to ask my himself.

That boy, I could only mutter to myself. But I let Alfred know anyway, just in case.

"Hamish better like me in this," Rebecca was nervously saying. "I never put this much effort into my looks. He's lucky I don't show up in sweats."

I snorted from where I laid on her bed, barely even dressed myself. I wasn't in as much as a rush as she was, because I didn't have a hot date to impress.

You would've if you just made up with Damian already, a small voice told me.

But I erased that thought from my mind.

Rebecca turned to me and crinkled her brows. "Aren't you getting changed? I told you that you could wear one of my other dresses."

Reluctantly, I turned my phone off from where I'd been watching John Wick on netflix. It was a rather realistic film for one based around assassins. Sure, a lot of it was either incorrect or exaggerated based on my experienced knowledge in that field, but I liked it nonetheless.

I dragged myself to Rebecca's walk-in closet. She had a lot of clothes, like any girl at GA did. Her father owned some form of airline and travel industry and they had a lot of money, which was evident in her sleek, modern house.

There was a pale blue dress hanging in front of me that instantly caught my eye. I selected it from the rack and moved to the mirror to examine myself.

"Oooh, that one would look hot as fuck on you!" Rebecca chimed, making my cheeks tint pink.

I ended up throwing it on and then helping myself to her abundance of jewellery and shoes. I liked Rebecca's style, everything she owned was colorful and crazy, much like her personality. Somehow she managed to pair together the weirdest items and make it look sexy as hell.

I slid into the seat beside her where she was applying her makeup. I examined all the items before me and wondered where to begin. "I don't know a whole lot about this stuff," I told her, slightly embarrassed with myself.

But Rebecca didn't care. "I can do it for you!" She squealed, then jumped to her feet and spun me around so I was facing her.

"You're so pretty you don't even need it, to be honest. But makeup is an art form and every girl deserves to wear it," she smiled, fishing through her drawers for foundation.

She held up a few bottles. "What shade are you? You're pretty pale, but not as pale as me. I'm jealous."

I laughed and shook my head. "I wish I had your skin tone, Becca. You're beautiful."

She girlishly batted her eyelids and playfully slapped me. "Aw, stop it, you're making me blush."

She ended up finishing me off with a natural sort of look that made me feel as pretty as a princess. Then she did my hair, styling it into two french braids and pulling out my baby hairs at the front.

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